plantarflexion since it has a sustained mechanical advantage?
1st ray
uniform throughout the causes of neuromuscular cavus foot
- eversion of forefoot on rearfoot and adduction/plantarflexion of forefoot on rearfoot (OMTJ)
- -pronated LMTJ, supinated OMTJ
supinated (direct or indirect)
what type of STJ?
if the cause is plantarflexion and eversion of the forefoot on the rearfoot then STJ will supinate because of the forefoot influence on the STJ
indirect STJ
what type of STJ?
if the cause is either PT overpowering peroneus brevis or gastroc/soleus overpowering and keeping the heel off the ground, resulting in STJ supination
direct STJ
plantarflexion of the forefoot on rearfoot and supination of the rearfoot results in relative dorsiflexion at ankle joint
ankle joint
will be different depending on the cause of the neuromuscular problem
relative ankle DF may cause the patient to fxn with some of the compensations seen in equinas