what to look for during this exam?
look for muscle weakness
look for hyper/hyporeflexia
positive babinski reflex
what is the neurological exam for the foot?
laterally, increased calcaneal inclination angle, decreased talar declination angle
mets plantar flexed on rearfoot
what is the neurological exam for the spine?
examine for scoliosis or ankylosis which indicates nerve root irritation or impingement leading to the cavus foot deformity
spinal dysraphism
these levels will be elevated in the blood with muscle trauma, muscular dystrophy, polymyositis
creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
if NCV is decreased it indicates a problem with the nerve
nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
measures the electrical potential of a muscle
shows if a muscle contraction is weak, again helping to rule out a potential cause of cavus foot
electromyogram (EMG)
conservative treatment approach?
orthotics or padding
how effective is surgery?
addresses the apex of the cavus foot deformity
options: calcaneal osteotomy, tendon transfers, mid tarsal osteotomy, digital procedures, combo