Plane views for Head:
frontal plane abnormalities the easiest to detect
frontal plane
Plane views for Head:
observe from the side
sagittal plane
Plane views for Head:
observe the nose
transverse plane
Plane views for the shoulders:
shoulders should be even, or parallel to the transverse plane
frontal plane
Plane views for the shoulders:
shoulders should be even, not slumped or angled back
sagittal plane
Plane views for the shoulders:
shoulders should be rotating the same as the contralateral hip
transverse plane
shoulder tilt forward
shoulder tilt backward
plane view for arm swing
swing anterior when shoulder-hip internally rotated and posteriorly when externally rotated
frontal plane
plane view for arm swing
swing is 2/3 anterior to line representing frontal plane passing through body and 1/3 posterior
sagittal plane
plane view for arm swing
Circumduction of one arm greater than the opposite arm should not be observed
Normal arm swing is the same as the aforementioned hip rotation, shoulder rotation
-As right leg extends for heel contact, left arm should swing forward and vice versa
Transverse plane
frontal plane affected:
knees are adducted relative to the thighs or “knock-kneed”
Genu valgum
frontal plane affected:
a more horizontal attitude of femoral head and neck
femurs in varus
coxa vara
frontal plane affected:
knees abducted relative to thighs or “bow-legged”
Genu varum
frontal plane affected:
a more vertical orientation of femoral head and neck
femurs are in valgus
coxa valga