What is a rearfoot varus?
-the vertical bisection of the calcaneus is INVERTED relative to the ground when the STJ is places in neutral position with the patient in angle base of gait
What makes up NCSP?
- STJ in neutral
- frontal plane leg deviation
What are possibilities that may cause rearfoot varus?
- the calcaneus not changing form a varus torsion shape
- the thickness of the talus
- tibial epiphysis varus
- tibial varum
What is the normal structural shape of the calcaneus in early uterine development
-varus torsion of the calcaneus
When should a child outgrow this varus torsion?
-by the time they walk or shortly after (12-18 months)
T/F The talus is thinner dorsally medial.
-false (thicker dorsal medial)
What will till the talus and calcaneus into varus when placed in neutral?
-the fact tat the talus is thicker dorsal medial
What is the unequal growth of the distal tibial epiphysis?
-tibial epiphysis varus (is an growth abnormality)
What tilts the calcaeus, ankle joint, and STJ into inversion?
-the lateral side of the tibial is thicker than the medial side
What four main areas can tibial varum occur?
- curvature of the whole tibia
- genu varum (driven by coxa valgus)
- curvature of the distal 1/3 of tibial shaft
- Blount’s disease