Ovid 197-228 Flashcards
Induit arma tibi genitor patriaeque tuusque:
Hostis ab invito regna parente rapit;
Tu pia tela feres, sceleratas ille sagittas:
Stabit pro signis iusque piumque tuis.
Your father and the father of your country dress you in armour,
The enemy seized power from his unwilling father.
You bear dutiful spears, he bears defiled arrows.
devout justice will remain standing for your proof.
genitor- parent
Vincuntur causa Parthi: vincantur et armis;
Eoas Latio dux meus addat opes.
Marsque pater Caesarque pater, date numen eunti:
Nam deus e vobis alter es, alter eris.
The Parthians are defeated by their cause, let them also be defeated by weapons.
Let my leader add the East to Latin riches.
Father Mars and father Caesar, give divine presence to his going,
for one of you is, and the other will be, a good.
armis- instrumental abl.
Eoas- East
e vobis- ‘from yous’, ‘out of yous’
Auguror, en, vinces; votivaque carmina reddam,
Et magno nobis ore sonandus eris.
Consistes, aciemque meis hortabere verbis;
O desint animis ne mea verba tuis!
Behold I foretell victory: I will repay with my votive song,
and you will be greatly praised by my lips.
You will stand firm and you will encourage your troops with my words,
Don’t let my words fall short of your spirit.
desint…ne- neg. jussive subj?
Tergaque Parthorum Romanaque pectora dicam,
Telaque, ab averso quae iacit hostis equo.
Qui fugis ut vincas, quid victo, Parthe, relinquis?
Parthe, malum iam nunc Mars tuus omen habet.
I will tell of Parthian backs and Roman breasts,
and of weapons, thrown from the enemy retreating on his horse.
why do you flee in order to win, Parthian, what do you leave hind when conquered?
Mars already holds your mad omen, Parthian.
ut vincas- purpose clause.
Ergo erit illa dies, qua tu, pulcherrime rerum,
Quattuor in niveis aureus ibis equis.
Therefore the day will come where you, most beautiful of the state,
will go by, golden, drawn by 4 snowy horses.
Ibunt ante duces onerati colla catenis,
Ne possint tuti, qua prius, esse fuga.
Spectabunt laeti iuvenes mixtaeque puellae,
Diffundetque animos omnibus ista dies.
The leaders go in front, their necks burdened with chains,
lest they are able to be safe in flight, as they were before.
Joyous young men watch on and mix with girls,
And that day will make all hearts cheer.
ne possint- neg. purpose clause
qua- (by which?)
Atque aliqua ex illis cum regum nomina quaeret,
Quae loca, qui montes, quaeve ferantur aquae,
Omnia responde, nec tantum siqua rogabit;
Et quae nescieris, ut bene nota refer.
And when some girl among them, asks the names of the kings,
what places, which mountains, or what waters are carried along,
Answer everything, nor just if she asks,
and what you don’t know, reply as if you know well.
cum- temporal clause, cum + indic. stating the time at which something occurs.
tantum- merely/simply
refer- imp.
Hic est Euphrates, praecinctus harundine frontem:
Cui coma dependet caerula, Tigris erit.
Hos facito Armenios; haec est Danaëia Persis:
Urbs in Achaemeniis vallibus ista fuit.
Here is Euphrates, his forehead encircled with reeds,
to him with flowing blue hair, will be Tigris.
Make these Armenia, and this is Persia.
That was the city in the Achaemenian valley.
prae- ppp, encircling.
Ille vel ille, duces; et erunt quae nomina dicas,
Si poteris, vere, si minus, apta tamen.
This one or that one is leader, and say what names they have,
truly, if you are able, if less able, whatever is suitable.
duces- pl. noun (nom/acc), or 2nd person sg future.
dicas- jussive subj.
si…tamen- two open conditions?