Online gov Flashcards
group of ppl entrust with making/enforcing laws/policies agreed upon by population
how gov started
early ppl lived simply and share food/stuff. as group grew larger, life is difficult n gov grew in size/power.
Gov has 3 kinds of power
legislative power
power to make laws-CONGRESS
executive power
power to enforce laws-PRESIDENT
judicial power
settle arguments n decide meaning of law=constitutional
where gov outlines their power
country where one person/group has power/responsibilities to carry out gov law
ppl hold the power
process of how society decides how gov is run/ how leaders chosen
public policy
law n goals that gov follows
territory that has a gov w/absolute power to decide policies
4 characteristics of state.
states must have
sovereignty: ability to make/enforce policies within it border
origin of state-theories
divine right
social contract
force theory
state began when a small group takes over another area n force ppl to follow their rules
evolutionary theory
began as a family (already w/ gov n territory) that grew as related family joins/cooperate
divine right theory
god created state n gave royals “divine right” to rule
Social Contract theory
USA ppl come together w/ common need for security=stateppl gave power to gov
Preamble of constitution
outline role/purpose of gov
- form a more perfect union
diff states joining 2 protect their independence
- establish justice
create laws: reasonable/fair
- insure domestic tranquility
gov provides peace/order
- provide for common defense
gov must protect w/ army
- promote the general wellfare
gov must provide for the need of the ppl: school/road
secure the blessing of liberty
gov offers freedom to all
ways gov are classified
number of ppl participating in running gov
the way the state divides gov’s power geographically
relationship btw legislative/executive
ber of ppl participating in running gov
democratic or dictatorship
representative democracy
indirect democracy
gov by popular consent
most common
small group of ppl is chosen to represent the ppl
direct democracy
pure democracy
ppl themselves create laws/policies
only in local towns/communities
private/public life of citizens r controlled/monitored
single person holds power
small group of ppl holds power
most commonly: ppl compete for power
power distribution geographically
federal gov
federal government
national gov n states r equal USA
confederate government
most power belongs to local/regional gov
central can’t make laws, just deal w/ trade,foreign
unitary government
most power resides in central gov
relationship btw legislative/executive branches
presidential gov USA
executive/legislative branches r separate but equal. check n balances
parliamentary gov UK N OTHER DEMOC
executive: prime minister n their cabinet
executive are part of parliament: fewer conflict btw
Foundation of democracy
every person has worth/dignity, freedom and is equal.
Majority rule (insist on minority rights)
can’t take away freedom of another
hold certain rights, duties, responsibilities
citizens duties
required, for benefit of the citizen
pay taxes, going to school, obey laws
citizen responsibilities
voting/helping in the community
Free enterprise system- capitalism
reinforces belief in individual freedom business competition: driving force workers compete for jobs consumer benefit from low prices, buy/sell good/services gov: pass laws/regulation
law of supply/demand
increase supply: decrease price
constitutional convention
held in philadelphia state house
delegates agreed not to discuss convention business with outsiders
did not want public to be allowed to judge their ideas until they were finished
Gw= leader
ministers to europe were not there
John Adam=britain
lots of compromise
Framers of the constitution
delegates to constitutional convention
important, fought in revolution
young men
diverse background
father of constitution
james madison
contribute more than others, record most of the events
want to remove articles of confederation
help create bill of rights. National gov should serve citizen not states. 4th president
george washington
commander of the continental army
most admired American bc military leadership
unanimous vote for him
alexander hamilton
lawyer, signer of constitution
robert morris
major financier of the revolution
Ben Franklin
writer inventor diplomat legislator printer
George Mason
author of virginia declaration of rights
Virginia plan
strong central gov w/ 3 Branches
bicameral legislature/congress
representatives were linked to wealth/population
HOUSE: members elected from each state
SENATE: chosen by House
Congress would choose National Executive and Judiciary
states have representative gov
New Jersey Plan
suggested by smaller states
no branches
unicameral congress w/ states represented equally
congress could impose taxes n regulate trade
executive: more than one person
Great Compromise
2 legislature
one part: chosen according to population
other part: have 2 representative from each state
3/5 compromise
whether slaves should b counted for tax collection
5 slaves=3 freeman
were counted to figure out how much states owed the fed gov in taxes
allow for south to count their slaves
Interstate trade compromise
trade btw states controlled by congress
states control trade within their own territory
trade btw countries regulation compromise
North: congress control it
South: No bc export large amt of rice/tobacco. were afraid of loosing the trade if congress taxed goods
Congress could tax imports but not exports
Slave compromise
south worried congress would stop slave trade. so congress couldn’t end slave trade for 20 yrs
after Compromises
Not all delegates were willing to sign so the final paragraph were worded carefully to give the impression of unanimity
For ratification of Constitution
Federalist favored it bc strong national gov. Strong central authority was necessary to defend the nation and unity
check and balances
independent judicial branch
Federalist ppl
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
John Kay
wrote essay under name Pubius called Federalist Papers that explained new gov n persuade ppl to join it
Rule of the Law
gov leaders must act according to the law. no one is above it. Military is under civilian control
Enumerated powers
18 powers of congress written into Constitution
Anti Constitution
stronger state gov
Constitution would take away individual n state rights
National gov would be too powerful
Anti Federalist ppl
Patrick Henry
John Hancock
Agreement btw Federalist and AntiFederalist
Federalist agreed to add amendments to the Constitution to protect ppl’s basic rights: Bill of Rights
States Ratifications
delaware= first
Virginia/ NY= strugle
9 states were needed
Starting new gov
NYC temp capital- GW took oath there
then moved to Philadelphia then to Washington DC
First Congress gathering
states elected senator and representative to serve in the new Congress.
Bc it lacked quorum (majority) and couldn’t finish counting the votes for president until a month lator
Purpose of Constitution
how new gov should b set up and run
outlines basic principles of gov and how leaders are elected.
Gov must follow certain rules and limits written by Framers
popular sovereignty
voters express their will to the gov
Structure of Constitution
Begins Preamble/intro
7 sections/articles
The 27 amendment
Constitution articles
First 3: outline the 3 branches l,e,j
4th: relationship btw national gov n state (and among states)
5th: explains how amend were added
6th: it is the law of the land, national debt, oaths of office
7th: ratification
6 principles necessary for democratic gov
pop sovereignty limit gov separation of power checks and balances judicial review federalism
popular soverignty
ppl holds all political power ppl choose leaders who will do what they want express the will of the ppl gov get its power from the ppl state leaders- elected
2nd amendment
gun control
a well-regulated militia necessary to security
right of ppl to keep/bear arm
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
requires 5 day waiting period to buy handgun n require background checks
legislative power
make laws approve appointments president makes impeach fed justice n president approve treaties create low courts overrides veto w/ 2/3 majority approve $ country spends
Executive power
veto bills
appoint officials- ambassador/judges
cals special sessions of Congress
Judicial power
tell what laws mean and whether it agrees to constitution. if not Congress has to change or make new
declare other branch’s action constitutional
Judicial review
court’s power to decide whether or not an action of gov is constitutional
this is not identified in constitution
Marbury v Maison
a gov system where power is divided btw fed and stte gov
both would have their own agencies/official and pass laws
limit powers of fed gov
a basic truth, law or ideal behavior
change to the constitution. Article 5 tells how changes can b made in constitution
1st: propose
2nd: ratify
when congress proposes, it chooses how to ratify
Amendments proposed by Congress
2/3 vote in both senate and house
Then sent to state legislature. 3/4 must ratify (38 states)
26 amendments done this way
Sent to state conventions. Ratifies by 3/4 of them. 21st amendment: repealing
amendments proposed at national convention
proposed at national convention called by congress when requested by 2/3 of state legislature
Ratified by 3/4 state legislature (never done b4)
Ratified by conventions in 3/4 of the states (ex. Constitution)
ratifying convention
delegates are chosen baed on their stand on the amendment
popular sovereignty
state legislation
elected for many reason
ratification of amendment
amendment (proposed by Congress) can’t be approved until ratified by state legislature
state legislature can ask for ppl to advise the legislature before decision
state ratification of amendment
If reject: can late change its decision n ratify
If approves: cannot change decision
Congress can set time limit on ratification period (7 yrs)
freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly
right to bear arms
protection from having to house soldier w/o consent
protection against searches/seizures w/p probable cause
protection from testifying against oneself, being tried for the same crime twice,
prosecution w/o accusation,
loss w/o due process of law or compensation
rights to a speedy trial by fair jury inform of charges cross examine witness present witness attorney
right to trial by jury
protection from excessive bail/fine and cruel punishment
other unwritten rights for ppl not stated in constitution
powers not belonging to fed is given to state
states can’t be sued by citizen in other states
chang in electoral college
outlawed slavery
defined citizenship (esp AA
aa men rights to vote
congress given power to tax income
US senators elected by the ppl
prohibition of alcohol (noble experiment)
women vote
change dates president and congressional terms
ends alcohol prohibition
repeal 18
limit a president for 2 terms
after FDR 4 terms
allow ppl in washington DC to vote
end poll taxes
who replaces president if office becomes vacant
18 yrs to vote
result of vietnam war
congress pay raises not effective until next congress election
forbid members of congress from raising their own pay during same term
took 200 yrs to b ratified
equal rights amendment for women
almost passed, 3 states short
informal amendments sources
Basic legislation executive action court decision party custom
expansion of powers written in constitution
Basic legislation
informal amendments
congress pass laws that help explain meaning of parts of constitution
passed Judiciary Act: can create fed courts (not supreme court)
set up other agencies, department, offices in executive branch
Constitution lets Congress regulate commerce so Congress passed thousands of laws about it
Executive action
informal amendments
Thomas Jefferson- Louisiana Purchse
Executive agreement: agreement btw president n leaders of a foreign country don’t have to b approved by congress
Method to deliever state of the union address (president is required by constitution og periodically address Congress). now: televised annually. written is also common
Judicial Actions
informal amendments
Judicial review: not specifically mentioned in Constition
informal amendments
constitution don’t mention political parties, GW feared it would divide. It doesn’t say how candidates for president should b nominated so parties decide which decrease electoral college’s importance
informal amendments
followed but not written into constitution
head of executive department= cabinet/advisors
VP replace after he/she died-25 amendment
no third term - 22 amendment