apes unit 3 Flashcards
vitamin A deficiency
in developing countires, children don’t get enough. lead to infectious diseases n go blind, die a year later usually
green vegetable, mango, yellow sweet potatoes-expensive
fixing vit A deficiency
genetic engineer rice to contain beta carotene. substance that the body converts to vit A; cheap way of getting it w/o buying expensive stuff
many critics, some say it might not work out of laboratory
food production
produce more than enough for everyone but some rnt getting enough food
1/6 ppl is malnurish in developing
poverty causes
food security
every person in area has daily access to enough nutritious food to live healthly. developing countries gov cant provide national food security. therefor, rich countries/organizations have to help
fsecurity depends on reducing harmful envir effects of agri or else poverty will get worse
food to b healthy
need large amt of macronutrients (macromolescules) n smaller amt of micronutrients w/ vitamins/minerals
poor ppl mainly eat high carbs n low protein vegetarian diets
chronic undernutrition/hunger
ppl who cannot have access to enough food to meet basic needs. children suffer from retardation n stunted growth n die of easily preventive diseases
1/3 ppl
vit A
deficiency in iron
causes anmesia, fatigue, liable to infection, increase risk of dying during childbirthmostly women/children.
fixed by golden rice
iodine deficiency
for thyroid gland-control metabolism. stunted growth, retardation, goiter-swollen/deafness
ppl eat seed stored to grow future crops n kill breeding livestock. mass imigration, refugee camps.
food intake exceeds energy uses. fat. less than undernutritious
food production system
biodiveristy threatened by clearing forest for plantation
big three feeds the world
wheat,rice, corn
most can’t afford meat, dairy.
seafood is a small amount
industrialized agriculture
produce most of food supply, uses alot of fossil fuel, water, fertilizer for crop/livestock
agri is most envir harmful industry
single crops
plantation agriculture
type of industrializard agri used in tropical
cash crops
decrease biodiverse
USA: agribusiness
indus farming. corporation that makes/distribute food. increasing in yield, decrease in labor. ppl spend less income in USA spent on food.
crops provide more energy than used to grow them but processing n other makes it cost more energy
traditional agri
developing subsistence intensive low input variety on one plot of land
diff crops on same plot
reduce chance of losing due to pest
- polyvarietal
- intercropping
- agroforestry (cropsnstree)
- polyculture
(diff plants togetlher) food thorughout yr. no pesticides
no erosion. natural predators low input, higher yield than monoculture
soil erosion
lowers fertility, overload water w/ sediment (water pollution). topsoil needed for food. wind/water. topsoil: renewable but when erodes: nonrenewable
sheet erosion
surface water/wind peel off thin sheets of soil. long time for perm damage
rill erosion
fast flowing small stream/channel in soil
gully erosion
wider than rill erosion rivulets. steep slopes, vegetation removed
productive potential of dryland falls bc drought n topsoil degredation. if severe: desert forms.
desertification causes
overgasing deforestation erosion salinization soil compaction natural
more drought
economic loose
envir refugee
repeated irrigaton reduce yield by causing salt buildup n waterlog plant
salinization prevention
reduce irrigation
switch to salt-tolerant crops
salinization cleanup
flush soil (expensive)
stop growing crops for 2-5 yrs
instal underground drainage system
large amt of water to push salt deeper into soil. accumlates undergound n raise water table. saline water develope nkills root
soil conservation
eliminate tilling, breaking up soil, keeping soil covered in vegetation
conservation tillage farming
special tillers, least distrubing
other soil conservation
contour planting
strip cropping
keep soil covered by leaving crop residues on land
strip cropping
row crop n covers the soil
traps eroding soil catches runoff
crop planted btw tree
trees around crop fields to reduce wind erosion
to restore top soil
organic fertilizer or inorganic
organic fertilizer
animal manure
green manure
nitrogen, phosphorus
green revolution
more farming alnd/yield. increase of food per unit. waterm fertilizer, pesticides
- monoculture-genetic
- produce large yield w/ large input
- increase number of crops grown per plot
2nd green revolution
fast growing wheat
but hindered by lack of water, n other limits, cost n more fertilizer n stuff wont increase yield. grain production is decreasing n getting more land wont help
natural capital degration
biodiveristy losssoil
air oillution
human health
third green revolution
genetic engineering
winged bean
fast growing
protein rich
reduce malnutrition n envir effect
little fertilizer
animal feedlot
higher progit. reduce overgazing/erosion, protect biodiverity
needs large input
raising fish instead of hunting/gathering, fastest growing type of food protection. large land n waste, dense. little fuel
- fish farming (controlled envir)
- fish ranching (captive first then release then captured
gov influence food production
control prices
provide subsitdies
letm arketplace decide
1st generation: natral from plants. nicotine sulfatem pyrethrum, rotenum
2nd: chemistryddt
modern synthetic: safe if used properly