Apes ch.19 Flashcards
air denisty
higher near sea level, more molecules per liter) than the air on top.
atm pressure
force/mass per unit area of air. decreases at higher altitude
nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, co2.
80% of air mass
closest to surface.
rising/falling air currents/wind= weather/climate
decrease temp
above troposphere, below stratosphere. cold temp= thermal barrier, no mixing btw tropo and strato
2nd layer. less matter but similar composition to troposhere. less water vapor, higher O3/ozone mostly concentrated at ozone layer
O2 + UV = O3. this prevents O2 from converting to photochem ozone
air pollution
presence of chem in troposphere in high concentration that can harm
higher outdoor pollution in irban but spread to rural by wind
over past years, quaity of outdoor air in developed improved
develping: no pollution control laws. biggest problem is indoor
primary pollutants
emitted directly into the air
secondary pollutant
primary polutants react with other things in troposphere to form new harmful pollutants.
Carbon monoxide
colorless, odorless, toxic gas forms during incomplete combustion of things w/ carbon in it
motor vehicle, fires, tobacco, inefficient stoves
react with hemoglobin and reduces ability of blood to transport oxygen to tissues
brain= high level
carbon dioxide
colorless, odorless
form natural carbon cycle, 7% from humans, burn fossil fiels, clearing forest
not under clean air act. companies lobbied congress to keep co2 off the list of regulated pollutant
nitrogen oxide NO
N2 + O2 = 2NO in high combustion temp in automobile, coal burning plants, lightning, soil
Nitrogen oxides
2NO + O2 = 2NO2
NO react with Oxygen in air, reddish brown gas
play a role in photochem smog
irritate ENT and lungs, immune, plant growth
react with water vapor in air = nitric acid and nitrate salt
damage living things, soil
photochem smog
mixe of chem formed under sunlight and car
nitrous oxide
fertilizer, animal waste, fossil fuel
Sulfur dioxide
irritating odor
1/3 from natural cycle
cmbustion of sulfure containgin coal and oil refine, sulfide ore
sulfuric acid
SO2 in atm with
H2SO4 and suspendedparticles of sulfate salt- acid deposition
visibility, breathing prob, damage trees soil aquatic corode metals/ building
suspended particulate matter
variety of solid particles and liquid dropletes. comes from naural sources 62%. fine/ultra fine particles are dangerous, respiratory problem and shorten life. toxic particlates=mutation/cancer
, PCBs from coal and lead
colorless, highly ractive, part of photochem smog
respiratory, immune, ENT, heart
volatile organic compound
as gas
hydrocarbones, isoprene, terpenes, methane. from plants and animals
benzene and industrial solvent
radon 222, natural radioactive gas in rock/soil, seep into home/building on these deposites
lung cancer
industrial smog
sulfure dioxide, sulfuric acid SPM
from coal from pp and home cook, ppl exposed in winter. CO and CO2 abd C=soot/SPM, SO2 converts to sulfuric acid, some react with ammonia= ammonium sulfate
asia brown cloud-USA size
reduce phtosynthesis
premature death, changing climate
phtochem smog
brown air mog
NO + VOC + sunlight+ heat=
ozone, secondary pollutant, Nitric acid PAN. bad on hotter stays
from automoboles (NO VOC) into air, NO-NO2
reduce outdoor air pollution
settling out precipitation sea spray wind chem rxn
increase air pollution
urban building
hills/ mount
high temp
grasshopper effect
temp inversion
buildup of high levels of air pollutant. warm air )with pollutants) rise to mix with cool air
industrial plants uses them to emmit sulfur dioxide, SPM, NOx high in tropopshere.
reduce local pollution, increase regional above inversion layer. form secondary
calcium cabone and limeston- neutralize