ch. 17 Flashcards
the generation of electricity and other energy jointly, especially the utilization of the steam left over from electricity generation to produce heat.
CAFE standards
CAFE standards were passed in 1975 in the “Energy Policy Conservation Act” in response to the 1973-74 Arab Oil embargo
-CAFE standards must be set at the “maximum feasible level” taking into account the following: technological feasibility; economic practicability; effect of other standards on fuel economy; need of the nation to conserve energy
fuel cells
Mechanical devices that use hydrogen or hydrogen-containing fuel, such as methane, to produce an electric current.
passive solar heating
a system of putting the sun’s energy to use without requiring mechanical devices to distribute the collected heat.
active solar heating
a system of putting the sun’s energy to use in which a series of collectors absorbs the solar energy, and pumps or fans distribute the collected heat
solar power tower
A solar thermal system that uses a central receiver system. Huge arrays of computer controlled mirrors called heliostats track the sun and focus sunlight on a central heat collection tower. Normally seen in deserts.
solar thermal plant
a means of producing electricity in which the sun’s energy is concentrated by mirrors or lenses to either heat a fluid-filled pipe or drive a Stirling engine.
photovoltaic cells
device that converts radiant (solar) energy directly into electrical energy. Also called a solar cell. Converts light energy into electricity.
Gas or liquid fuel (such as ethyl alcohol) made from plant material (biomass).
plant material, including undigested fiber in animal waste, used as fuel
A liquid biofuel that can be made by the fermentation and distillation of sugars in plants such as sugarcane, corn, and switchgrass. Brazil leads the world in production.
A promising candidate for producing bioethanol. A tall grass native to North American prairies that grows faster and needs less fertilizer than corn. It can also be grown on land unfit for crops and helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
A diesel fuel made by combining alcohol with vegetable oil extracted from renewable resources such as soybeans, palm plants, and fats, including used vegetable oils from restaurants.
geothermal energy
the use of energy from Earth’s interior for either space heating or generation of electricity
decentralized power system
small natural gas turbines and stationary fuel cells for commercial buildings,wind turbines, fuel cells for cars, and household solar panels.
hybrid car
an example of an energy-efficient vehicle; uses a small, efficient gasoline engine most of the time, but also uses an electric motor when extra power is needed
energy efficiency
Mechanical devices that use hydrogen or hydrogen-containing fuel, such as methane, to produce an electric current.
super insulated house
House that is heavily insulated and extremely airtight. Typically, active or passive solar collectors are used to heat water, and an air-to-air heat exchanger is used to prevent buildup of excessive moisture and indoor air pollutants.