Apes Ch. 12 Flashcards
Nile perch
This was intentionally introduced into Lake Victoria to stimulate exports of the fish. They exported fish to several different european countries
Asian swamp eel
An invasive species, reproduces rapidly eats almost anything can elude cold weather drought
Purple loosestrife
A perennial plant that grows in wetlands reduces wetland biodiversity by reducing habitat
When large nets and long lines catch non target species
Trawler fishing
Involves dragging a funnel shape net held open at the neck along the ocean bottom
Purse seine fishing
A fishing vessel will surround a large school and close the net to trap the fish
Long lining
This type of fishing puts out lines up to 80 miles which have thousands of baited hooks
Driftnet fishing
When fish are caught by huge drifting nets some hang as much as 2500 meters below the surface
Turtle exclusion device Ted
specialized device that allows a captured sea turtle to escape when caught in a fisherman’s net.
Commercial extinction
This occurs when its no longer profitable to continue fishing the affected species. Overfishing leads to this
Exclusive economic zone
Foreign fishing vessels can take certain quotas of fish within zones but inly with govt approval
Marine protected area
Areas of ocean that are partially protected from human activities
Marine reserve
Area where no extraction and alteration of any living or nonliving resource is allowed
Integrated costal management
a process for the management of the coast using an integrated approach, regarding all aspects of the coastal zone
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
Maximum number of ish that can be harvested annuay without xausing a drop in population
Optimum sustainable yield (OSY)
Attempts to account for interactions with other species but depends on poor bio and kcdan conditions
Precautionary principle
This principle manages fisheries by reducing fish harvest and closing some overfished areas
Mitigation banking
Allows destruction of existing wetlands as long as an equal area of the same type is created
Comprehensive Everglades restoration
provides a framework and guide to restore, protect and preserve the water resources of central and southern Florida, including the Everglades.
Zebra mussel
Thumbnail size mollusk reproduces rapidly and no known enemies in the Great Lakes
Sea lamprey
This attaches itself to almost any kind of fish and mills by sucking the blood out
Quagga mussel
Invaded the Great Lakes, survives at great depths and tolerates more extreme temps
National wild and scenic rivers act
Created to protect rivers with outstanding scenic recreational and geological values