Apes Ch.1 vocab Flashcards
exponential growth
quantity increases at a fixed percentage per unit of time
environmental science
study that integrates info/ideas from natural sciences and social sceience.
studies the relationship btw living organisms n their environment
the ability of earth’s various systems to survive/adapt to changing envir conditions indefinitely
environmentaly sustainable society
society that meets the current n future needs of the ppl for basic resources w/o comprising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
developed country
US, canada, japan, austrailia, new zealand, EU. highly industrialized n have higher GDP
developing country
Africa, Asia, latin america
renewable resources
can b replenished fairly repaidly through natural processses
sustainable yield
highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely w/o reducing its available supply
environmental degradation
available suppply begins to shrink bc we exceed a resource’s natural replacement rate
common property
not individually own, available for little/ no charge
tragedy of the commons
degradation of renewable common property. if i dont use this, someone else will. what i do is not enough to matter
ecological footprint
amt. of biologically productive land/water needed to supply an area w/ resources and to absorb the waste priduced by its usage
nonrenewable resources
exist in a fixed quanity in the earth’s crust
turning waste into something new