Apes Ch.7 Flashcards
Edge effect
a change in species composition, physical conditions, or other ecological factors at the boundary between two ecosyste
Inter specific competition
competition for resources among members of different species in a community
in primary successin on a terrestrial site, the plants, lichens, and microbes that first colonize the site
Primary succession
an ecological succession that begins in a an area where no biotic community previously existed
Secondary succession
ccession on a site where an existing community
Island biogeography
species richness on islands is determined by interaction of…
- rate of immigration
- rate of local extinction
Ecological succession
Succession is a process of ecological change in which a series of natural communities are established and then replaced over time.
Climax community
a relatively stable long-lasting community reached in a successional series; usually determined by climax and soil type
ability of a system to resist change. grassland has a low resilience to fire
ability of a system to keep its number over time throughout change. ex) deserts and arctic tundra are high
ability to recover after a disturbance. ex) grassland has a high one because of its roots. Harsh environments have low ones (deserts and arctic tundra)