Norovirus Flashcards
Type of virus
range of non encapsulated RNA virus species
How soon do symptoms come on following infection?
15 - 50 hours of infection
Main symptoms
- nausea and vomiting
- diarrhoea
- headaches
- low-grade fevers
- myalgia
Mode of transmission
Faecal-oral route
- virus becoming aerosolized when patient vomits or when toilet is flushed
- particles land on surfaces and others can pick up infection
Direct physical contact
Contact with food preparation.
Where does norovirus replicate?
- virus enters the cell via host receptor-mediated endocytosis
- replicates in the small intestine.
How many viral particles are needed to cause norovirus infection?
only 10 - 100 viral particles
Alcohol hand gel does not reduce transmission. TRUE/FALSE?
- needs to be proper handwashing
Investigations for diagnosis of norovirus
- stool culture viral PCR
How to differentiate between nororvirus and other causes of gastroenteritis
Salmonella - bloody diarrhoea and high fever.
Rotavirus - predominantly affects children <5y
E. coli - Longer incubation period, severe abdominal cramping + bloody diarrhoea.
Management of norovirus
electrolyte replacement