Nodes of the Heart Flashcards
Label 2 and say its significance

AV Node
Conduction tissue that delays heart’s electrical impulses by .1 of a second
Name the order the components of the conduction system
SA node
AV node
AV bundle
R/L bundle branches
Conduction/Purkinje Fibers
What two structures prevents backflow intp the atria when the ventricles are contracting
LAbel 5 and its significance

Purkinje/Conduction Fibers
Heart cells stimulating ventricles to contract
Name all of the components of the Cardiac Conduction System
Cardiac Cycle
AV node
AV bundle
RL Bundle branches
Purkinje.COnduction fibers
Label 4 and its significance

R/L Bundle branches
Conduction fibers that originate at the atriventricular bundle and seperate along intereventricular septum.
What two structures prevents backflow into the ventricles when the heart is relaxed
Pulmonic Valve
Aortic Valve
What structure is the AV valve with three flaps
What does SA stand for? Spell it
S-i-n-o-a-t-r-i-a-l Node

Just look at it

just in case you missed it…

What structure is alos known as “the natural pacemaker” of the instrinsic conduction system
SA Node
LAbel 3. and its significance

Atrioventricular Bundle/Bundle of his
Arises from atrioventricular & transmits impulses to the ventricle muscle fibers
What structure is the AV with TWO flaps
Spell what AV stands for
A-t-r-i-o-v-e-n-t-r–i-c-u-l-a-r Node
Labbel 1 and tell its significance

SA node
Conduction tissue in the right atrium, where electrical impulses originate

What structure is the point in the instrinsic conductuion system where the impulse is temporarily delayed.
AV Node