Body Cavities Flashcards
What cavity is A? Spell it.

C’mon cuz, dig deep
Superior Mediastinum
S-u-p-e-r-i-o-r M-e-d-i-a-s-t-i-n-u-m

Where is the ventral cavity?

Name the 3 cavities inside of the Thoracic Cavity
- Superior Mediastinum
- Pleural Cavity
- Pericardial Cavity

What does anterior mean?
Spell the cavity that that contain two pleural cavities which hold the lungs
P-l-e-u-r-a-l cavity
What number is the vertebral cavity?

Spell the cavity that includes the brain, spine, and spinal cord.
V-e-r-t-e-b-r-a-l cavity
Spell the cavity thats above the Pleural Cavity.
S-u-p-e-r-i-o-r M-e-d-i-a-s-t-i-n-u-m
The yellow signifies the ____ view of the body
The red signifies the _____ view of the body.
Yellow- Posterior/ Dorsal
Red- Anterior/ Ventral

what does pleura mean?
Where is the Abdominopelvic cavity?


What does the appendicular section contain?
Arms and legs(parts that move)

What does posterior/ dorsal mean?
What does the Axial section contain?
- head
- neck
- shoulders
- torso

Where is the Pelvic cavity?

6(1st one)

Where is the Abdominal Cavity?


Spell the cavity than contains the abdomin and the pelvis.
A-b-d-o-m-i-n-o-p-e-l-v-i-c cavity

The Abdominopelvic cavity has _____ cavity(ies).
The Abdominopelvic cavity is divided into two cavities, the abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity.

What type of view is this?

What number is the diaphram?

What cavity has two pleural cavities?
Pleural cavity
What cavity is the mid. section of the thorax that surrounds all thoractic viscera except the lungs?
Mediastinum Cavity