Endocrine: Disorders Flashcards
If the body is not maintaining homeostasis then _____is produced
If the body is not maintaining homeostasis then disease is produced
thymus secretes the hormone….. and after puberty it…
shrinks and turns to fat
man made thyroid hormone if thyroid has to be removed
Hyposecretion of GH causes..
describe the disorders cousin
DWARFISM: mostly congenital, usually less than 4ft, normal torso short limbs
Precocious Puberty: Devlop physical maturity young, pubic and axillory hair,breast b4 8 in girls facial&pubic hair,increased gonad in boys b4 age 9
hypersecretion of cortisol causes…
Cushings Sydrome
moon face
buffalo hump(hump over upper back)
blood- only living tissue in body
hypersecretion of melatonin causes…
seasonal affective disorder
blood flow to kidney to gut
hyposecretion of adrenal gland is caused by… and causes
caused by: hyposecretion of aldosterone and cortisol
Causes: Addison’s disease, malise(fatigue), weakness, hyperpigmentation, muscle atrophy
Hypersecretion of thyorid is defined as…
increased production of thyroid hormones controlling metabolism and growth
thyrosine(T3)triidothryonine(T4) calcitonin, speeds up metabolism
hyposecretion of melatonin causes…
hypersecretion of thyroid causes
be specific
weight loss
tachycardiagoiter,causing iodine deficeincy from oversectretion of TSH,
dysphagia,cough (mostly seen in 3rd world countries)
Hypersecretion of of GH causes. Describe the disorders
Acromegaly (typically seen in males_)_ hands, feet,face enlarge
gigantism(before puberty)
extreme tallnes, decreased sexuall development, possible mental impairment
cortisol is found in the _____ gland
cortisol is found in the ADRENAL gland
Describe the parathyrpoid
secretes PTH- parathromone
released in response to low levels of serum calcium. Breakdown of osteoclast and sends ca++ into blood
antagonist to calcitonin
(bone to blood)
responsible for sleep wake cycle, and sexual masturation
hypothyroidism causes
slow metabolsim, weight gain, sluggishness
describe the adrenals
epinephrine prepares body for fight/flight causes blood floow,heart rate to increase, bowl sounds(BS) to DECREASE
what i usually causes all endocrine disorders
cortisol is released when…
secrete outside of body