Cardiac Chapt Notes(Book) Flashcards
what is a myocardial infarction
Heart tissue ischemia; heart attack
Whats the function of a capillary
Cappilaries- Sites of nutrient and gas exchange
Spel the condition that means:where the ductus arteriosus remains open after birth, allowing oxygenated blood back into the lungs
Ductus A-r-t-e-r-i-o-s-u-s
INflammation of endocardium
What is the cardiovascular system is composed of
The heart and the body’s blood vessels, or vascular network
Visceral Pericardium
Adheres to hearts surface.Parietal layer forms loose-fitting sac. Shields heart from friction
Procedure- balloon catheter is used to restore blood flow in blocked vesel
Pulmonary Circuit
Circulation of blood through lings via the pulmonary arteries and veins
smallest branches of veins
Abnormal outward bulge in artery, making thin, weakened section in arterial wall.
What are the names of the 3 blood vessels
artieris, veins, capillaries
What is the coronary circulation
Blood Supply to heart tissue
Pulmonary Veins
Vessel that transport blood from the lungs t the heart
Congestive Heart Failure disease where heart muscle cant keep pace to provide body w/ oxygenated blood
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Condition where the ductus arteriosus remains open after birth, allowing oxygenated blood back into the lungs
Exercise Stress Test
Test measuring heart rate,BP, ECG(EKG), while exercising
Surgery to create arterial diversion around on obstruction in coronary vessels
Whats the job of cappillaries
Provide a bridge between the arteries(arterioles), smallest branches of arteries to smallest branches of veins. venule, allow microscopic molecules to be exchanged between blood & force fluid nearly everywhere in body
smallest branches of arteries
Define CAD
MYocardium recieves not enough blood supply
What are the two important enzymes in the heart
Creatine kinase(CK) Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
Systemic Circuit
Route of the blood throughout the body
What causes CHF
Hypertension,CAD, COPD, cardiomyopathy
What happens in the heart during a myocardial infarction (MI)
Elevated cardiac enzyme, abnormal CK,LDH enzyme. Levels of CK rise 6-24hrs after MI, LDH levels elevate in patients w/ congestive heart failure and peak 48hrs after an MI 6hr window to stop progression of the cardiac event before permanent damage. 65% of MIi deaths occur w/in the 1st hr