Nervous System: Preview Flashcards
agent 4 preventing/relieving vomiting
gray matter
region in CNS dominated by cell bodies, neuroglia & unmyelinated axons
supporting cells of CNS & PNS
Tumor composed of cells derived from neuroglia
Muscle weakness or slight paralysis
Nuchal rigidity
stifeness of the neck fleion as a result of meningeal irritation
difficulty in speaking and understanding wriiten, spoken language as a result of brain injury
method of graphically recording electrical activity of the brain
Tissue Plasminogen Activator TPA tPA
Substance that disolves blood clots
Sensory Function
Using receptors to detect changes & respond in order to maintain homeostasis
Dura matter
Tough outtermost membrane that covers brain and spinal cord
white, fatty substance that forms an insulating sheath around axons
White matter
regions in CNS dominated by myelinated axons
Cerebral Seizures
Recurrent convulsions w/ blank stares and temporary loss of awareness
Central Canal fluid
Passageway in spinal cord that contains cerebrospinal fluid
Brain Contussion
Brain tissue bruise
Cerebral Angiography
Mapping of cerebral blood vessels using dye and x-rays
Tumor from astrocyctes
distinctive snesate signaling migrane
Parasympathetic ns
Division of autonomic ANS involved in rest& digest response
aka craniosacral ns
Spina Bifida
congenital defect of incomplete vertebral closure that allows the spinal cord of meninges to protrude
The sensation of dizzines while not moving that causes loss of balance
serves as relay station from the peripheral nerves to brain
Prolonged state of deep uncosciousness
Epidural Space
space between overlying bone and dura matter
Parkinson Disease(PD)
Disorder resulting from progressive degeneration of dopamine- producing neurons in brain
Transcient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Brain disorder that’s not permanent resulting from blood flaw in interruption
cell body
main part of neuron
Accumulation of CSF on the brain commonly known as “water on the brain”
Brain Part that serves a central relay station for incomming sensory impulses
Med term. for headache
PAin in the head
2cd largest region, function in coordination of skeletal muscle activity 2 maintain ballance
disorder caused by preceeding sidordder in same person
arachnoid matter
middle membrane covering brian & spinal cord
Gullian-Barré sydrome
Acute symmetrical lower motor neuron paralysis of unknown cause
Medulla Oblongata
enlarged continuation of spinal cord containing important reflex centers for heart, blood vessels and breathing
cranial nerves
12 pairs of peripheral nerves originating @ brain that connect to the brain but not the spinal cord
brain part that plays a role in homeostasis such as regulating body temperature and relasing hormones