NEURO Flashcards
familial ALZ is associated with what
presenilin 1 and 2 mutations
degenerative disease of the frontal and temporal cortex that has round tau protein
Pick Disease
hallucinations, parkinsonian features and dementia is what
Ley body dementia
urinary incontinece
gait instability
wet wacky and wobbly
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
CAG repeat
treatment for normal pressure hydrocephalus
ventriculoperitoneal shunting
spike wave complexes on ECG signifies
Creuz Feld Jacob Disease
a-synuclein is another name for what
Lewy Bodies (Parkinsons)
pronounced frontotemporal brain atrophy with changes in personality and behavior. The patient also has abnormal speech
Pick Disease
Silver stain that shows round cytoplasmic inclusions with aggregates of tau protein in frontotemporal lobes
Pick Disease
APP processing by beta and gamma secretes pathway produces what
beta amyloid
name of ad cow disease
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
cytoplasmic inclusions in oligodendrocytes describes what pathology
progressive multifocal leukoencphalopathy
patches of white matter destruction are characteristic of what
multiple sclerosis
acute and painless vision loss in one eye is characteristic of what
central retinal artery occlusions
what is Amaurosis Fugax
painless, transient, vision loss in one eye that is caused by a small embolus to the ophthalmic artery ( only last a few seconds)
blurry vision, black spots, floaters and decreased peripheral vision are all seen in what pathology
diabetic retinpoathy
how can patients with long standing dialysis get carpal tunnel
because of the deposition of B2 micro globulin in the carpal tunnel
endomysial inflammatory infiltration is found on the muscle biopsy of what disease
endoneural inflammatory infiltration with multifocal demylenation is seen in
Gillian Barre
what do NIssel substances in nerve cell bodies represent
RER where proteins are made
Shrinking of the cell body
pyknosis of the nucleus
loss of nissl substance
eosinophilic cytoplasm
acute neuronal injury Red Neuron
enlargement of cell body
eccentric uncles
enlargement of the nucleolus
dispersion of the nissle substance
axonal reaction
loss of neurons and functional groups of neurons
reactive gliosis
neuronal atrophy