Gastrointestinal System Flashcards
where is iron absorbed
where is folate absorbed
small intestine
where is b12 absorbed
with bile salts in the ileum
wha converts trypsinogen to trypsin
what is a molten receptor agonist that is used to cause peristalsis
B cells in the germinal centers of Peyers Patches turn into what
IgA secreting cells that protect the gut from antigens
what is the enzyme that turns unconjugated bilirubin into conjugated bilirubin
UDP-Glucuronosyl Transferase
complications of Chafas Disease
mega colon
mucosal lacerations at the base of the esophagus that is due to vomiting
malloy-weiss syndrome
esophageal webs
iron deficiency
Plummer Vinson Syndrome
hypertrophied Ruggae in the stomach associated with protein loss and decreases acid production
Menetrier Disease
what is the main difference between angiodysplasa and diverticulosis
familial adenomatous polyposis + osseous and soft tissue tumors
supernumerary teeth
Gardner syndrome
FAP + malignant CNS tumor
Turcos Syndrome
harmatomas in the g.i. and hyper pigmentation of the mouth, lips, hands and genitalia
Peutz-Jehers Syndrome
tumor marker for colon cancer
AST>ALT in non alcoholic liver situations means what
that there is a progression to cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver
what is Budd Chiari syndrome
when there is a thrombotic or non thrombotic obstruction of the hepatic vein that causes hepatomegaly and abdominal pain
alkaline phosphatase is elevated in what conditions
biliary obstruction
infiltrative disorders
what is Reye Syndrome
rare fatal childhood hepatic encephalopathy that causes fatty liver, hypoglycemia and vomiting
what are mallory bodies
intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions of damaged keratin filaments found in hepatitis
what is hepatic adenoma usually due to
OCP use or anabolic steroids
what is angiosarcoma
a malignant tumor of the epithelial cells in the liver that is usually due to exposure to arsenic or vinyl chloride
a rare inherited disorder affecting the metabolism of bilirubin, a chemical formed from the breakdown of the heme in red blood cells. The disorder results in a form of nonhemolytic jaundice, which results in high levels of unconjugated bilirubin and often leads to brain damage in infants.
Crigler-Naijar Syndrome