Nervous tissue Flashcards
Central Nervous System
- this consists of the brain and the spinal cord
- this processes and coordinates sensory input and motor output
- the area of higher intelligence, memory, learning and emotion
Peripheral Nervous System
- this is divided into afferent and efferent systems
- this is anything outside of the CNS
Afferent Nervous system
- carries sensory information to CNS
- receptors monitor the environment which then sends information to the CNS
Efferent Nervous system
- this is then divided into the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems
- the efferent pathway is the pathway that is leaving the CNS and an effect will be coming within the body
somatic motor system
this controls the skeletal muscles
- this can be voluntary and involuntary
ex. moving your arm to drink water is done consciously but moving you hand off a hot stove is a reactionary response
visceral nervous system
- this is the unconscious actions that the body recognizes in the afferent and efferent
- afferent would be using receptors to see what is happening internally
- efferent would be actions that are taken in response to what the afferent system said was happening
- this regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activity.
- this is always involuntary
ex. heartbeat, digestion
sensory nervous system
this is the afferent nervous system
- can be visceral or somatic
motor nervous system
this is the efferent nervous system
-this can be visceral or somatic
visceral motor system
- would be secretions from glands or contractions of smooth muscle in response to sensory input
- this is unconscious
Somatic motor system
this would be a voluntary movement and involves the innervation of skeletal muscle
-this is concious
visceral sensory system
- the body is watching for internal environmental changes with receptors
- the body looks how much is being secreted from glands or how the blood vessels are dilated and this then goes to the CNS which will make a decision on what the approbate visceral motor response will be
- this is unconscious
somatic sensory system
- as external changes such as touch, pain occur, this sends that information to the CNS to allow it to react
- this is concious
sensory processes that are stimulated by changes of activities by other cells
conducts a nerve impulse toward the axon terminal
these are glial cells
- they have the ability to divide
- different types in the CNS and PNS
- another name for cell body
- contains the nucleus,mitochondria, ribosomes, and other organelles and inclusions
5 characteristics of Neurons
- send electrical signals to glands, other neurons or muscles
- live for a lifetime
- cannot divide
- high metabolic rate (they need a good blood supply
- most cell bodies in the CNS
why are most of the cell bodies in the CNS
this is because when there is damage to the cell body the neuron will die
-the CNS is surrounded by bone so it is really important for them to be in there or near it for protection
collection of cell bodies in the CNS