Embryonic Development Flashcards
this is the formation of organ systems
- all organ systems exist in their primordial form by the end of week 4
- this is the process of developing shape in the embryonic period
- two types: cephalocaudal folding and transverse folding
Cephalocaudal folding
- this is the head and tail folding
- the head region grows the fastest due to the rapid development of the brain
this is creating the future head and tail regions
Transverse folding
this creates the future torso
these are environmental agents that can disrupt development and cause congenital abnormalities
ex. drugs, alcohol, radiation, zika virus, some medications
- week 3-8 are particularly vulnerable
Fetal period
- this is week 9 until birth
- this is marked by growth and maturation
Critical periods
these are times when when systems or body parts are growing and they are the most vulnerable to beign affected by teratogens
Windows of vulnerability
this is where something can effect something very major at a specific time but at a different time that same action would not cause the same major effect
-an example: when a specific part of the brain or organ is developing and it is at higher risk for things, like if you are abused from age 9-10 will have a smaller cerebral cortex because that is what is being developed but if you are abused from the age 11-13 you will have a smaller hippocampal volume
when does the placenta begin to develop
week 2
- this is important because it is when the nutrients will begin to reach the embryo which allows for growth
when is something considered a preterm birth
anything before 37 weeks
embryonic development
this is fertilization through week 8
what is important about folic acid
it is necessary for nervous system development
-thats why women of child bearing years take folic acid supplements
what are the three germ layers
- these are three layers (ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm) that all structures in the body will be produced from
- *don’t need to know names of layers
what is the one system that doesn’t really age poorly
the endocrine organs operate effectively until old age
-only growth hormone and reproductive hormones change