Female Reproductive system Flashcards
muscular organ of the female reproductive tract where fertilization, implantation, placenta formation, and fetal development occur
the muscular tube extending between the uterus and the vestibule
broad ligament
a large mesentery enclosing the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus
- subdivides the pelvic cavity
- attaches to the sides and floor of the pelvic cavity, where it is continuous with the parietal peritoneum
rectouterine pouch
The pocket formed between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior surface of the colon
vesicouterine pouch
the pocket between the anterior wall of the uterus and the posterior wall of the urinary bladder
ovarian ligaments
extend from the lateral walls of the uterus, near the attachment of the uterine tube, to the medial surface of the ovary
- aids in the stabilization of the ovaries
suspensory ligament
extends from the lateral surface of the ovary past the open end of the uterine tube to the pelvic wall
- aids in the stabilization of the ovaries
- contains the ovarian artery and vein
round ligament
They extend anteriorly and pass through the inguinal canal before ending in the connective tissues of the external genitalia. These ligaments primarily restrict posterior movement of the uterus
female primary sex organ
the portion of the broad ligament of the uterus that suspends the ovaries
mons pubis
the region anterior/superior to the pubic bone
- typically has a layer of adipose tissue
- this is to protect the public bone
labia majora
outer portions of labia that can grow hair
labia minora
tissue just inside the labia majora and cannot grow hair
this is the tissue within the mabia minora and this is what contains the two openings
urethral orifice
the opening to the urethra
vaginal opening
opening to the vagina, more posterior
this is the hood of the clitoris
this sits most anteriorly and is the erectile tissue
greater vestibular glands
- two pea sized compound alveolar glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina.
- They secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina
bulb of the vestibule
two elongated masses of erectile tissue typically described as being situated on either side of the vaginal opening
- this is the erectile body
corpora cavernosa
- this is within the body of the clitoris
- masses of erectile tissue forming the bulk the clitoris.
the rounded part, forming the end of the clitoris
this is an overarching term to describe the external genitalia of a female
this is other erectile tissue that is part of the clitoris
this is where the lactiferous sinuses open up onto the surface of the skin
-in the middle of the areola
this is the round skin that surrounds the nipple
-slightly darker than the skin of the breast around it
the breasts are divided into lobes which contain several lobules
-this is where the milk is produced
these are the structures that produce milk
the lactiferous ducts
ducts that exit the lobules converge into these and carry the milk to the lactiferous sinuses
lactiferous sinuses
this is an expansion in the lactiferous duct near the nipple
-15-20 of these open onto the surface of each nipple
suspensory ligaments
these are bands of CT that attach the gland to the deep overlying fascia of the pectoralis major muscle
ovarian artery
this is a branch off the descending aorta just inferior to the renal arteries
ovarian vein
this drains the ovarian artery
germinal epithelium
simple cuboidal epithelial cells
tunica albuginea
this is the fibrous capsule around the ovary
- this is dense CT
- this is deep to the germinal epithelium
outer cortex of ovary
this is the outer portion of ovary and contains the follicles
medulla of ovary
this is deep to the cortex and contains everything that enters the hilum
(the CT, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves)
ovarian follicles
the site of oocyte growth and oogenesis
-these are contained in the cortex and then each month one will mature and then be released into the peritoneum space to then be brought into the uterine tubes
uterine tubes
- this should be the site of fertilization
- there are five parts to the uterine tube
- these are covered by the mesosalpinx
- it takes three days for the oocyte to travel the length of the uterine tube and reach the lumen of the uterus
this is a draping of the peritoneum that is covering the uterine tubes
this is the first part of the fallopian tube
- these are finger like projections at the distal part of the tube that is close to the ovary
- they guide and pull the released oocytes into the uterine tube
the expanded funnel shaped end of the uterine tube closest to the ovary
-this is what the fimbriae branch off of
this is the middle region of the uterine tube
- this makes up the majority of the tube
- this is where fertilization should occur and where it occurs majority of the time
uterine part
this is continuous with the uterine cavity
this is a short region of the uterine tube that connects the ampulla to the adjacent uterine wall
uterine arteries
these are branches of the internal iliac artery
this is the rounded portion of the uterus superior to the attachment of the uterine tubes
the largest region of the uterus
- this is inferior to the fundus, superior to the cervix
isthmus of the uterus
a constriction where the body ends and the cervical region begins
the inferior portion extending from the isthmus to the vagina
- the tubular cervix extends into the vagina
internal os
this is the internal opening of the cervix that leads to the uterine lining
external os
the external opening of the uterus
-this leads into the cervical canal
cervical canal
this is a constricted pathway that opens into the uterine cavity
- has cervical glands that create the mucous plug
- this is a mucosal membrane
- this has two layers, the functional layer and the basil layer
- this is the inner most layer and this is what gets sloughed off each month
the functional layer of the endometrium
this is what gets sloughed off each month
- this consists of the uterine glands that contribute to the endometrial thickness
basil layer of the endometrium
this is a layer adjacent to the myometrium and connects the endometrium to the myometrium
- it contains the terminal branches of the tubular glands
muscular myometrium
- the inner layer of uterine wall
- this is smooth muscle
uterine tubes contain what kind of epitheilium
- there are ciliated columnar epithelium and nonciliated epithelium
- the ciliated contribute to the movement of fluid and the oocyte
- the non cilliated contribute to providing nutritious secretions of nourishment for the oocyte
what are the functions of the uterus
- site of implantation
- supports, protects, nourish the developing embryo/fetus
- push fetus out during labor
what is important to recognize about the uterine tubes and the uterus and the vagina
there are no sphincters or closured within making it an open tube from the outside of the body to inside of peritoneum
-this means it is at risk because there can be infection and damage from things that enter that shouldn’t
what is important for the support of the uterus
the muscles of the pelvic floor
what creates the vesicouterine and rectouterine pouch
these are created by the way the parietal peritoneum drapes over the uterus and creates spaces on the anterior and posterior side of the uterus
what is important to remember about the two pouches within the peritoneum
these are common spots that one can develop infection in the peritoneum because gravity will cause the infection to go to the into the most inferior parts which are these pouches and these are right next to the uterus and the bladder so that can cause damage to the organs
mucus plug
this is a thick barrier that prevents pathogens and foreign substances from entering the uterous
- during the middle of the menstral cycle this is made thinner to allow sperm to travel through
- this stays in place during pregnancy until the cervix dilates and then once big enough, the plug is released and then the water breaks and labor begins
- important because of the open passageway nature of the reproductive organs
vaginal orifice
this is an opening in the vagina
the vaginal wall
this is a flexible wall with elastic fibers
- made of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- acts as a protective layer because of friction that occurs during sex and childbirth
- has transverse folds (this can stretch out to accommodate things coming in)
what do sebaceous glands do for the niple
these are within the areola and they are able to keep the areola supple when someone is breast feeding