Nav Flashcards
What is the process for completing a departure for a NAV?
After T/O
- Note time/fuel
- Direct flying pilot to intercept track
- FCLEARM Checks
TOPC (Top of climb)
- Set cruise PWR to achieve IAS
- Fix position on map
- Resume cruise/FCLEARM Cx
You are approaching a turn point, explain your actions to complete the turn and re enter the cruise W/C
Pre turn point (TATS)
- Track (next leg)
- Alt (next leg)
- Timing (next leg)
- Speed (next leg)
Overhead turn point (TTP)
- Time (Time overhead)
- Turn (Direct onto new tracking feature)
- Fuel (Note fuel Qty)
Post turn point (TOPO)
- Track (conduct a through check of tracking marker and make corrections)
- Obstacles (wires)
- POI (Airspace/big hills etc)
- Other admin (FCLEARM)
Explain the cruise W/C (TATSTOPO)
What is the min altitude for medium level nav?
Not below 3000ft AMSL
How are time corrections made for climbing?
1 minute is added for every 2000ft of climb
What techniques can be used to calculate LSALT?
What air speed is used for NAV and how is it calculated?
120TAS is the flown nav airspeed, for every 1000ft climbed, reduce IAS by 2kts
E.g. at 4000ft AMSL 120TAS = 112IAS
What is the holding fuel requirement for an inter vs tempo?
Inter = 30 mins x 170kg/hr = 85Kg
Tempo = 60 mins x 170kg/hr = 170Kg
How many SARTIMEs can be active for an airborne C/S at one?
SARTIME should be left TBA until the previous SARTIME has been cancelled
What is the VFR alternate minima for EC-135?
Alternate is required if:
Class G: Cloud below 1000ft AGL and vis below 3000m
All other airspace: Cloud below 1500ft and vis below 8000m
What is the technique that the NFP uses to take the FP onto the turn point?
- Via clock code
- Near/middle/far
- Kms/NM/1 finger/fist etc
- Should point out something unique
E.g 11 o clock middle, single lake with dam wall on the left
How does Ozrunways display other traffic?
Displays call sign, heading and height
Note height is relative to your position
You have just landed the 750 up with your nav route, what is the final step in the process?
Cross referencing the Nav card with the G750 to make sure they match
What is the check process for a divert?
Divert point: select a divert point and destination, calculate track, altitude, distance, time and fuel
Information: Check weather/NOTAMS as req
Airspace: Consider controlled airspace/PRDs
Fuel: Holding/alternate requirements
AVRM: ACMEE brief if req
R/T: Alt changes/clearances
Execute: Conduct turn point admin with me diversion details
What are the long term impact on the NAV if the aircraft becomes OEI?
Fuel in the supply tank on the failed side is lost which works to reduce range
You are unsure of your position and have decided the best course of action is to complete the lost procedure what do you do?
Admit it - Let the crew know what’s happened
Time - Record time now/stop the clock
Climb - as req
Hold - Orbits, holding pattern or cardinal legs
Big to small - start with obvious features and work down
If position identified continue NAV
If position is uncertain consider:
- Flying reciprocal to last known position
- Climbing higher
- Confirming with GPS
- Using navaids/radar/atc as req
Explain ‘gate out/in’, ‘IP’ and ‘Target points’?
Gate out: Is the commencement point for a low level nav, marked with a square
IP (Intial point): Is the waypoint before the target, marked with the square
Target (Gate in): Final point of the low level nav, marked with a triangle
What is the timing standard at 723SQN?
+/-30 sec
Explain elapsed time vs time on target
Elapsed time: A stopwatch is started when overhead gate out and stopped at the target
TOT: A GPS time at the target is calculated which all other times are referenced against
Explain the man differences between low and medium level nav
Low level nav:
- 200ft AO normally
- 500ft AO if not surveyed
- 90kts GS
- Climb/descent fuel is not planned
Explain how speed corrections are made during low level nav:
Increase/decrease speed by how early/late you are for 90 sec
E.g. 20 sec early, slow down to 70kts GS for 90 se
Note: If timing corrections are too significant, make half the speed correction and double the time
Explain how wires should be briefed
During TOPO: Wires along this leg in 4 mins
4Nm out (2 mins) “Wires crossing from left to right in 2 mins”
1NM out (30sec): “Wires in 1NM/30sec, should be past the next ridge line in the low ground”
If wires are not spotted climb to 500ft above their height
When should you brief TATS
5Nm or earlier
You have told the QFI to turn, what are your actions from this point?
Time - record and add leg time (yellow)
Fuel - record and white down min (pink)
Tracking ft to get a track diamond on
Obstacles X nm from the TP
Points of interest (marked on map)
F - Read combat fuel
C - Done
L - Done
E - No cautions/warnings
A - Done/climbing/descending
R - Set radios as early as possible
A - Tune NDB
A - CRS Bars/HDG Bug RWY/Wind/
A - CTAF call/clearance
B - “This will be a helicopter arrival at XXXXft, tracking to the X, approaching in XX RWY direction”
C - Landing Cx