IF Limited Panel/EMRGs Flashcards
What is the checklist actions for a PFD/ND failure?
- Press the OFF button twice on the failed screen
If still failed:
2. Press the OFF button twice
3. Continue flight
You see FCDM1 or FCDM2/AHRS1 or AHRS2 on the ND/PFD in red, what does this mean and what are your actions?
- Means that the respective numbered system has failed, indicating the pilot to switch to the other
- AHRS1 mean P/R SAS is lost
- Switch to the functional side land as soon as practicable
What do these mean for you and what are your actions?
No attitude, heading and vertical speed data both sides
Switch scan to STBY instruments, PFD select composite mode, land ASAP
Check SMD/Alignment
What do these mean for you and what are your actions?
Indicates a system discrepancy
Actions, PFD/ND cross check with stby instruments, RCU reconfigure, transfer scan to good side
What are the typical indications for a total electrical power loss?
Goes dark and quite
In the event of a TEPL, what systems are still working and for how long?
STBY instruments will be working as pre normal, STBY AI is limited to 30 mins
What is the CANCA process for a FCDM failure?
C - FCDM failure
A - Transfer scan, safe height/HDG/speed, NFP to correct RCU, confirm correct RCU setting,
N - Establish safe course, correct track errors/hold as req
C - Clearances as required
A - Get out the checklist, come up with a RTB plan
What is the UA recovery procedure?
What is the course of actions for a dual AHRS failure?
- Vectors for cloud break
- GPS arrival
- GNSS approach using map mode
- VOR/ILS using PFD composite failure
Under what circumstances would you do an ENALD?
Icing conditions
Fire that hasn’t gone out
Main XMSN catastrophic failure
Fuel contamination (single fuel filt)
You have completed your boldface actions for the emergency, what are your navigate consids?
Getting visual is the priority
- Begin descent to LSALT, preferable route LSALT if possible or 25NM MSA
- Radar vectors to cloud break
If not possible:
Divert to airfield with an instrument approach
If urgency is required, ENALD is an option
You have started your decent to LSALT and have vectors for cloud break, what are your communicate consids?
PAN for priority (land when practical)
MAYDAY for immediate descent below LSALT (land as soon as possible/immediately)
- Traffic separation if ENALD
What is an ENALD?
Emergency no aid let down
What is the CANCA process for an ENALD?
C - Communicate internal
A - Boldface, “this will be an ENALD”, select HDG and IAS mode please
- Set 65KIAS (beep trim)
- “Leaving XXX, descending for ENALD” @1000ft/min descent rate
- “Get terrain mode on 750”, turn onto safe HDG
N - IAW safe HDG
C - MAYDAY once established
AVIATE again - Once visual disengage upper modes and land
What is the process for an ENALD?
- “Commending ENALD”
- HDG and IAS mode engage
- 65KIAS, 1000ft/min, HDG towards safe ground
- Once established: MAYDAY
- Passing LSALT: Through LSALT
- Passing 1000ft AGL: RoD trend back
- Passing 500ft AGL: 500ft/min RoD, IAS grand back
- Passing 200ft AGL: 200ft/min, 40 KIAS
Under what conditions is an autorotation in IMC required?
- Dual fuel filters
- Fuel starvation (poor planning, lines broken, failed pumps)
If you suspect an IMC auto is required, what is your immediate biggest priority?
Getting out of cloud ASAP
What is the process for an IMC autorotation?
Standard auto entry
Once established:
- Engage HDG/IAS
- Set HDG bug into wind
- 300ft disengage upper modes
- 150ft commence slow flare until 20ºNU
- 20-30KIAS lower nose attitude until 10ºNU and cushion
Time permitting:
- Duel ENG EMRG Shutdown as req
- Lock harnesses, visors down and brace position
What is the general CANCA process for an OEI situation in the EC-135
A - Boldface as req, speed below 110KIAS above 60
- If on departure, confirm safe RoC against the plate (at least 162ft/min)
N - Continue departure/approach
- If drift down/decent, confirm LSALT
C - PAN/MAYDAY squawk 7700
What are you actions for the missed approach when OEI?
Largely the same as normal
Collective increase to OEI MCP
Engage upper modes as req