FADEC Fails Flashcards
What happens to the engine power when the FADECs fail?
Fuel flow is fixed at a certain rate so the engine speed does not change
Explain low and high side FADEC fails
Low = Fails at a low power setting with N1 below 80% meaning to set 80% twist grips will be wound back
High = Fails at a high power setting with N1 above 80% meaning to set 80% twist grips will be wound up
- Collective lever - Adjust as necessary to maintain RRPM within limits
- Affected engine - Identify by small collective changes
- Respective twist grip - Adjust slowly to set 80% N1
After landing
- Respective twist grip - Reduce before lowering the collective pitch lever to full down
When the FADECS fail, what backup funtions/safety systems are lost regarding engine control?
Automatic power accelerating and deceleration
N1/TQ limiter
Normal start
You have made small inputs into the collective, how do you tell which engine is the affected engine?
The affected engine will maintain the same N1, TOT and TQ value while the good engine will change its power to maintain Nr
You are established upwind about to turn crosswind and see the FADEC FAIL” caution in the CAD, explain your actions through CANCA to safely land the aircraft
A - Safe height. HDG, speed - Complete the boldface
N - “This is a land as soon as practical EMRG, my intentions are to continue the circuit and land normally”
C - “NFP can you make a PAN call and inform TWR of our intentions”
A - Checklist actions complete, pre landing checks, PWP completed
What setting should N1 be set too in the event of a FADEC failure?
80% +/- 2% (78-82%)
When should AEO and OEI limits be applied to the aircraft?
AEO - Affected engine is producing more that 30% TQ
OEI - Affected engine producing less than 30% TQ
What is the minimum TQ that can be used on the working engine?
What kind of approach is best flown with a FADEC Fail?
Shallow angle airfield approach
How do your actions for a double FADEC fail differentiate from a single?
Basic actions remain the same however both engines must be controlled, lever down = reduce throttle, lever up = increase throttle
Explain CANCA for a simultaneous double FADEC failure?
C - “Master caution, FADEC FAIL system 1 and 2”
A - “Safe heigh, heading, airspeed” —> Boldface Coll, Affe, Resp, Prac
N - Land as soon as practical EMRG, shallow airfield approach
C - I’ll get you to make a PAN call
A - “Get out the double engine failure BF - Complete pre landing checks - PWP”
What does “TWIST GRIP and DEGRADE” mean on the CAD and what are your actions if these are the only cautions visible?
The respective engine is in a degraded mode (TWIST GRIP and DEGRADE will come up together)
Actions: Are to check the twist grip is neutral and land - Practical
What does “ENG MANUAL” mean on the CAD and what are your actions if these are the only cautions visible?
The MODE SEL SW has been set to manual mode
- Auto accel/decel, N1 limiters and normal start are lost
Actions if not selected:
- Check switch is NORM
- Set twist grip to neutral
- Check ENG MANUAL and TWIST GRIP captions off
- Wait 10 sec to confirm
What does “REDUND” mean on the CAD and what are your actions if these are the only cautions visible?
Indicates a load of FADEC redundancy
*Note: No effect on fuel control just redundancy, refer to checklist”
What is overspeed protection and when would it likely be used?
During a engine overspeed due driveshaft fail the engine will speed up, go past N2 and be shutdown automatically
What are the conditions of engine overspeed due driveshaft failure?
RRPM decrease
Affected engine:
- TQ to zero
- N2 above limits (then gets shutdown)
*Likely to see OVSP and ENG FAIL after being shutdown”
Engine overspeed - driveshaft fail boldface
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Affected engine - Identify
- Single Engine EMRG shutdown - Perform:
- ENG MAIN sw (confirm correct ENG) - IDLE, check indications, then OFF
What are the conditions of engine overspeed due governing failure?
- RRPM warning
- N2 increased of affected engine
- TQ on affected engine is high
Engine overspeed due governing failure boldface
- Collective - Raise to maintain N2 and Nr
- Affected engine - Identify
- TWIST GRIP (affected engine) - Reduce TQ until normal engine takes load
- Collective lever - Readjust as required to stay within limits
- ENG Mode SEL sw - MAN
- TWIIST GRIP (affected engine) - Adjust TQ manually 20-30%
- Collective - Readjust as necessary
Explain the ICS process for the twist grip
FP moves hand onto desired twist grip and states “number one/two twist grip identified”
NFP visually checks hand position and states “Confirmed”
FP makes required change by stating “Reducing TQ/Increasing TQ/Adjusting N1” etc