Autorotation & EMERG Landings Flashcards
What effect does raising and lowering the collective have on YAW in an autorotation?
Raise R (Raise collective then the nose moves R)
Lower L (Lower collective then the nose moves L)
What is the autorotation work cycle?
Speed: 65kts
Split: Nr needle 106%
Step: On the ball
What RoD should you expect to see in an autorotation?
Height - 1000ft AGL, state entry height and not below height (15ft power off auto)
Area/Auth - Area is suitable (not over a city)
Security - harness/loose articles (check rear)
Engine - Warnings, cautions, T+Ps
Lookout “Clear front and below, entering auto”
What is the difference between power on vs power off autos?
Power ON:
- Used in training, RRPM set 104%, flare slightly early, terminate to hover taxi
Power OFF:
- Used in sim, RRPM set 106% terminate to the ground
What are the symptoms of double engine failure?
Rapid RRPM decay
Low RRPM audio
2x ENG fail indications
Yaw to the left
Explain the actions from entry to recovery for a power off autorotation
Lever: Lower until high Nr audio then check up
Balance: As req
Attitude: 75kts
Speed: 75KTS
Revs: Nr should be 104%
Ball: As req
at 200ft
Flare: As req
Initial - 1-2 inches of collective
Level - LDG attitude
Cushion - As req
Explain the actions from entry to recovery for a power on autorotation
Lever: Lower until high Nr audio then check up
Balance: As req
Attitude: 75kts
Speed: 75KTS
Revs: Nr should be 104%
Ball: As req
at 200ft
Flare: As req
Power - 1-2 inches of collective applied at 30ft
Level - hover attitude
Cushion - to hover
What do the key words hold and develop mean regarding the flare?
Hold = freeze the attitude used when flare was too quick
Develop = increase flare attitude used when flare is too slow
VNE auto
Best range IAS
Lowest RoD IAS
VNE auto = 90
Best range IAS = 90
Lowest RoD IAS = 65
What state should the aircraft be for the flare?
75KIAS every time
Level attitude (rotor disc)
Note this may require speed changes if previously flying at 90 or 65KIAS
Why would the pilot consider turning during an autorotation?
If the aim point is coming under the nose, turns increase track miles to get back on target
What are pilot considerations when turning during an auto?
Turns increase RRPM, collective as req
What aircraft state is used to enter the auto for training?
1000ft AGL (1400ft AMSL)
During the “Speed, revs, ball” scan, what exactly are you looking for?
Speed - Scanning speed, correcting trends
Revs - RRPM should sit at teh top of the green with N2 split below or at 0 (if power off)
Ball - Centered
Eyes out - Look at RWY centreline, correct to centre as req
You are completing an autorotation into a confined area, what options do you have to adjust your airpoint?
Speed - Faster speed will push the aim point forwards
Turns - Increased track miles will pull aim point back
Nr - higher Nr reduces RoD pushing the aimpoint forwards
Balance - Out of balance increases drag and will push the aircraft forwards
What is the not below height for a power on auto?
Aim to hover at 20-30ft
What is the point of setting the SHED BUS to EMRG?
Reapplies power to the AFCS systems for better aircraft control after both generators have failed
Explain how CANCA is applied in the autorotation
C - “Entering Auto”
A - Establish steady auto + SHED BUS - EMRG
N - Pick a landing zone
C - “Make a MAYDAY CALL”
A - She’d bus, Harness
What constitutes an “Emergency landing”
When a boldface requires the pilot to land ASAP or land immediately