AD2 SUPP/ERSA Summary Flashcards
What are the limits for YSNW CIRA and what is considered a normal clearance for pilots requesting the CIRA?
5Nm from the Nowra TACAN, SFC to 2000ft AMSL.
RW aircraft usually cleared CIRA not above 1500ft.
Visual departures and arrivals are possible from taxiways upon air traffic approval, where are they?
Spot 1: C2
Spot 2: C3
Spot 3: B4
Spot 4: B4
Spot 5: B3
Spot 6: B3
Spot 7: A2
Spot 8: A2
For RW ops, the runways may be divided into three, what are the subdivisions?
Short: From the threshold to 4000ft Distance to run markers (DTRM)
Centre: From the 4000ft DTRM to the 2000ft DTRM
Long: From the 2000ft DTRM until the upswing threshold
What is the airspace associated with a choppers west clearance (CHW)?
Defined as west of RWY 03/21 within a 5NM radius from the Nowra TACAN up too 1,500ft AMSL
Note, a clearance to cross the western side of RWY 08/26 is not required.
What are the key points regarding the western pad?
Western Pad
- Is a training area located directly NE of the ATC tower surrounded made up of a large grass patch
- Has 3 spots which can be used for training, spot 1 being closest to the 03/21 RWY, spot 2 in the middle and spot 3 furthest away
- The preceding aircraft has the right of way to the western pad
What is the airspace associated with a choppers north clearance (CHN)?
North of the 08/26 RWY out to 5Nm from SFC to 1500ft AMSL (1100ft AGL)
Clearance not required to cross 03/21
What is the airspace associated with a choppers south clearance (CHN)?
The airspace S of RWY 08/26 within 5nm of the TACAN from SFC to 1500ft.
Note: Permission not required to cross RWY 03/21
On approach, what R/T is required to be made before 5NM?
C/S (Taipan 23), position (6NM to the N), level (maintaining 1500ft) and intentions (tracking for finals RWY 26/for the CIRA)
Under what circumstances is a flight notification not required?
Only if intending to remain within the CIRA
When are engine start clearances required? And how are they done?
When parachuting operations are taking place, completed by contacting SMC for Nowra and APR for JB (Jervis Bay)
When operating with SARTIME/NOCOM, what additional information is required to be passed to ATC and when?
Endurance is to be provided on taxi during the taxi clearance
You are intending to operate in one of the “choppers” areas, how do you make this radio call?
Tapian 23, request clearance for choppers north for operations within state loc
Note: Usual clearance will be for not above 1500ft AMSL
What is the normal and low level circuit height for JB aerodrome?
Normal: 1000ft AMSL (800ft AGL)
Low: 500ft AMSL (300AGL)
Note: Using nowra QNH
You are flying in choppers N and are heading W to E and look to see you are about to pass the runway extended centreline, what should you do?
Nothing, you are allowed to cross as part of your choppers clearance
How do you get clearance for the LFAs or transit through?
Request airways clearance for the LFA to delivery. Up too 4 LFA’s can be “booked” at a time.
E.g. “Taipan XX, request operations L3 transit through L4”
Note: L’s 3, 5, 7, 8 extend beyond R421, the clearance to operate within that LFA grants you the ability to exit and enter the CTR as long as you remain within the bounds of the LFA
How are callsigns made at 723SQN?
Taipan followed by the last 2 numbers of the aircraft tail number
What is the LFA common freq and what are pilot requirments to transmitt to ATC when flying in a LFA?
LFAs 1-8 use 296.3
LFAs 9-14 do not have a designated freq
Pilots are required to maintain normal listening and reporting IAW clearance
What are the guidelines for the “fly neighbourly” policy?
Avoid residential buildings by 200m laterally and 500ft vertically
WHat is the max number of aircraft able to conduct circuits at JB aerodrome?
5, With 3 rotary wing aircraft max
What are the operating frequencies when conducting circuits are JB aerodrome and what freq should be monitored?
Aircraft broadcast on 121.65 even if they are the only aircraft present. Aircraft should monitor Nowra Approach.
Note: When CTAF 118.85 is used
What is the purpose of the helicopter spots?
They are the primary and default takeoff and landing spots for all helicopter ops unless use of the RWY is specially requested
What conditions are applied for aircraft taking off from or landing onto a helicopter spot?
All approaches/departures should be parallel to the duty runway.
Post landing, taxi clearance must be obtained before leaving the spot
You are planning to transit nearby the JBA CIRA but do not to complete Circuits, what requirement is there for your traffic separation?
Aircraft transiting to any area that will infringe JBA CIRA are request traffic on the appropriate CIRA freq
What are the major differences between LFAs 1-8 and LFAs 9-14
LFSs 1-8:
- Cleared SFC to 3000ft (able to request more)
- Approved terrain flight areas
- Use 296.3 for air to air comms
- 3 aircraft max (1 if NoE)
LFAs 9-14
- Cleared SFC to 1500ft
- Unable to terrain fly
- No freq
What class of airspace is used in the CIRA? What is VMC criteria?
Class D, 5k vis, 600m laterally, 500ft below, 1000ft above cloud
What separation is provided to different classes (VFR/IFR) within Class D airspace?
IFR are separated from IFR and SVFR (VFR traffic are given IFR info and expected to seperate)
VFR not separated however traffic information is provided on all
If a VFR aircraft captain has recieved no traffic advisory, what does this mean?
It means the pilot can assume there is no conflicting aircraft but must still maintain a scan.
At what altitude are normal and low level circuits?
Low level: 700ft AMSL/400ft AGL
Normal: 1,200ft AMSL/900ft AGL
What is the airspace associated with a Helos North clearance (4)
- SFC to 5,000ft AMSL not below 200ft
- N of the Fitzroy river and E of the N/S running big powerlines
- 15NM TAC
- Implied clearance into L14 down to 200ft for autorotations
What is the airspace associated with a Helos south clearance (3)
- SFC to 5,000ft AMSL not below 200ft
- W of 180ºM radial, E of notable high ground
- 23NM TAC
What is the difference between air transit and taxi?
Air transit is a direct too a point on at the aerodrome
Taxi implies that you will hover taxi over the bitumen taxiways
When is an ops normal call required?
When operating outside the immediate CIRA (Western pad, southern pad etc) with a choppers/helo/LFA clearance
You are on the way to a LFA and are cleared given 2x aircraft in the same LFA, how do you enter the LFA?
You are to join not below 500ft and are to gain 2 way comms with all other aircraft within the LFA
E.g. ”L4 traffic Taipan 41 for P1 ops”, “Taipan 41 this is Taipan 42, currently P11 ops”
What are:
STTO fuel
Fixed reserve
Variable Reserve
Cruise fuel burn
Hold fuel burn
OEI fuel burn?
STTO = 50kg
Fixed Res = 70 kgs (20 mins)
Variable Res = 10% on each leg
Cruise fuel burn = 200kg/hr
Holding fuel burn = 170kg/hr
OEI fuel burn = 140kg/hr
How are Bingo/Joker fuel calculated?
23 TAC is max distance for a “normal” sortie
23NM @ 2NM/min is 11.5m (15 for ATC delay)
15 mins @ 3.3kg per min burn = 50kg