Muscles of mastication Flashcards
What is it?
is the process by which food is crushed + ground by teeth. the muscles help in chewing food by moving the mandible in relation to the maxilla.
- Temporalis
Point of origin -attached to the temporal bone of cranium
Point of insertion- coronoid process of mandible, passing under zygomatic arch
Action - pulls mandible backwards + closed
- Masseter
Point of origin- attached to outer surface of zygomatic arch
Point of insertion -outer surface of mandibular ramus + angle (jaw bone area)
Action- closes the mandible
- Medial Pterygoid
Point of origin- medial pterygoid plate at base of cranium
Point of insertion -inner surface of mandibular ramus + angle
Action- closes the mandible
- Lateral Pterygoid
Point origin- lateral ptergoid plate at base of cranium
Point of insertion- head of mandibular condyle into TMJ meniscus
Action- both contracting brings mandible forwards to bite anterior teeth tip to tip, one contracting pulls mandible to opposite side
Temporal + masseter
can be felt when teeth clench together - these form superficial layer of muscles of mastication whilst medial + lateral pytergoid form the deeper layer
Acute inflammatory conditions
sometimes result in a protective spasm of the muscles of mastication, called truisms - affects the ability to open the mouth
Most often occurs
in acute inflammation of gum surrounding an erupting lower wisdom tooth (pericorontitis)
After surgical removal of these teeth
+ acute inflammation of parotid gland (mumps) - its purpose is to rest the inflamed part + prevent pain
They receive nerve impulses
from the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve) which cause them to contract so that the length of the muscle shortens. this then causes various movements of mandible associated with closing, clenching + chewing
The muscles of mastication do not
cause mouth opening - controlled by a different group of muscles called suprahyoid muscles. each set of muscles of mastication is connected to cranium or face at one end (point of origin) + at their other end to the mandible (point of insertion)