Medical conditions that affect trt planning Flashcards
Warfarin users
is an anticoagulant - a medicine that stops blood from clotting. Anticoagulants medicines are most commonly prescribed for people who have had a condition caused by a blood clot or are at risk of developing one
A pt would require blood test
prior to any trt which will cause bleeding to ensure they have adequate clotting levels. The conditions in which warfarin may be taken include:
- deep vein thrombosis (clots in veins of legs)
- pulmonary embolism (clot in lungs)
- atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rate)
- pts with replacement or mechanical heart valve
if pt presents as being pregnant then trt may have to be altered or halted. Trts that cannot go ahead during pregnancy include x-rays + trts involving amalgam
pts need to be careful when attending for scale + polish because the older style machines can interfere with the pacemaker. it is generally safer to carry out hand scale
pts receiving trt for cancer can only receive dental trt at certain times in their cancer trt cycle- because pts are at higher risk of bleeding + infection. trt must be planned with pt’s oncologist
Herpes simplex
if pt presents with an outbreak of herpes, this is high infectious in early stages + pts trt must be rebooked until infection has cleared
trt must take into consideration the position of pt can take in dental chair, as well as possibility of jaw fracture during trt - may need referral to specialist
Chicken pox
pts presenting with this condition must have trt delayed as this is highly infectious condition in its early stages
Oral thrush
pts would usually be rebooked for once condition has cleared up, however for this to happen to pt would attend appt + usually receive an antifungal prescription to treat this condition