Muscle System Flashcards
Oxygen carrying pigment in red blood cells
A pigmented protein in muscle that carries oxygen
The amount of oxygen required after a physical exercise to convert accumulated lactic acid to glucose
Oxygen Debt
A solution with the same osmotic pressure as the solution with which it is compared
Opposing muscles
Prime mover/agonist
Muscles that contract and assist prime movers
Work in opposition of the prime mover
With oxygen
Without oxygen
How are muscles named?
Location, shape, action, region or bone they are attached to
Immovable end of the muscle
Movable end of the muscle
A muscle exercised strenuously for a prolonged period of time may lose its ability to contract
Muscle fatigue
When a muscle fiber contracts, it contracts to its full extent, it cannot contract partially
All or none response
What are the two types of smooth muscle?
Multiunit and visceral
Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle remains the same.
A nontumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells.
A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use
A type of neurotransmitter, which is a biochemical secreted at axon ends of many neurons, transmits nerve messages across synapses
An enzyme that catalyzes breakdown of acetylcholine
A biochemical that stores energy in muscle tissue
Creatine phosphate
Specialized part of a muscle fiber membrane at a neuromuscular junction
Motor end plate
Synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber
Neuromuscular junction
Chemicals that axons secrete on effectors or other neurons
Layers of dense connective tissue that surround and separate each muscle
Consists of two twisted strands with globular cross bridges projected outward along the strands
Globular protein wit myosin binding sites
What 2 proteins are associated with actin?
tropomyosin and troponin
If allowed to, the myosin crossbridge attaches to the binding site on the actin filament and bends, pulling on the actin filament
Sliding filament theory
What are 3 energy sources for muscle contraction?
ATP, creatine phosphate, cellular respiration