Muscle and Vessel VHA Flashcards
what is the only voluntary muscle?
skeletal muscle
what are 2 defining features of skeletal muscle?
peripheral nuclei
Zoom in on a muscle cell fibers
muscle cell -> fascicles -> myofibrils -> myofilaments (actin and myosin)
what do T-tubules allow for?
simultaneous contraction
What connects to the Z-disc?
actin filaments
What region does not change during contraction? What does this region contain?
A-band contains both thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments
A-band is innermost region of sarcomere
I band
space between the A-band and Z-disc that contains mostly actin
spans from Z-disc to Z-disc
Which band causes striations on H+E stain?
What are the dots on low power electron micrograph of muscle?
4 key features of cardiac muscle
branching fibers
centrally located nuclei
intercalated discs
intercalated discs
connect cardiomyocytes
Lf pigment
yellow dots in cardiac muscle
sign of aging
What are intercalated discs composed of?
adherens junction, desmosomes and gap junctions
intercalated discs are intercellular junctions that link cells
Signs of MI in cardiomyocytes
lympocytes and macrophages
pyknotic nuclei