Lipoprotein Metabolism Flashcards
What is the only way to excrete cholesterol?
why are fats packaged into lipoprotien?
polar capsule allows them to move through water
proteins attached to the outer shell of a lipoprotein
what lipoproteins are high in triglycerides?
VLDL and chylomicron
what lipoproteins are high in cholesterol esters?
Apo A-1
associated with HDL
activates LCAT
Apo B-48
associated with chylomicrons
Mature chylomicrons
gain Apo C-11 and Apo E in addition to Apo B-48 which is present on all chylomicrons
Apo B-100
associated with VLDL and LDL
C-terminal of B-100 binds to LDL receptor
What apoproteins do nascent LDL have ?
B-100, C-11 and E
What apoproteins do mature LDL have?
What apoproteins do nascent VLDL have?
What apoproteins do mature VLDL have?
B-100, C-II and E
What apoproteins do mature HDL have?
A-1, C-11 and E
*nascent HDL only have A-1
What is the source of C-11 and E for chylomicrons?
What receptor do chylomicrons end up solely expressing?
they solely express E
Apoprotein E and binding
able to bind the remnant receptors on liver
allows chlyomicron remnants to bind to liver