MQF SEP 2021 - 301-330 Flashcards
In a steady-state spin, rotation rates will stabilize between ______ to ______ seconds per turn, with altitude loss of ______ to ______ feet per turn.
A. 1, 1.5, 400, 500
B. 1.5, 3, 300, 400
C. 4, 5, 300, 500
D. 2, 3, 400, 500
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 2, 3, 400, 500
Pilots ground aborting an assigned aircraft may be given a spare by maintenance. Call the spare tail number in to Texan Ops. A ____minute chock extension is automatically granted anytime an aircrew steps to a spare (additional to ______ chock time). If a longer extension is needed,
aircrew will contact the Ops Sup.
A. 15; 2+00
B. 10; 1+50
C. 5; 1+45
D. none of the above
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
A. 15; 2+00
During normal taxi operations at SAFB, aircrew will leave transponder in “STBY” mode. At all other airfields, aircrew will ensure transponder is placed in “ALT” prior to aircraft movement and ensure it remains in “ALT” until the aircraft is parked.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Touch-and-go landings are authorized during uncontrolled airfield operations at Frederick and Lawton. If touch-and-go landings are desired at these locations, aircrew will confirm with the Ops Sup that fire/crash recovery operations are available. The first aircraft at the uncontrolled/nontowered (NTA) airfield will fly a low approach to ensure the runway is clear.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Normally, a maximum of two 80 OG aircraft are authorized at Frederick. If a civilian aircraft arrives, T-6s will give way, but are not required to depart unless total aircraft exceeds four. A maximum of four 80 OG aircraft are authorized only for continuation training (CT) and/or PIT sorties on a case-by-case basis. Crews must brief these procedures with each other and get SQ/CC approval. Risk Management (RM) should reflect the increased risk. If a civilian aircraft arrives, T-6s will give way and depart if necessary to ensure a maximum of four aircraft is not
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Flying operations are authorized when surface winds exceed ___ knots, but are less than ___knots, in the training or operation areas. Aircrew will brief considerations in high winds and will utilize proper Risk Management.
A. 25; 35
B. 20; 30
C. 15; 25
D. none of the above
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
A. 25; 35
Pilots will contact Sheppard Clearance Delivery to obtain an IFR clearance or VFR flightfollowing squawk prior to takeoff to fly SR 278R.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
During Alternating instrument if not in radio contact with RAPCON do not proceed beyond ____ DME. Squawk ____, check RMU, ICS panel, connections, backup UHF and make all radio calls in the blind. Climb or descend to last assigned altitude or ESA, whichever is higher and proceed via own navigation to the ILS for the appropriate runway. Do not descend below the MSA until established on a published segment of the approach.
A. 15 - 7700
B. 10 - Normal
C. 13 - 7600
D. 16 - 7500
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
C. 13 - 7600
In Cooter pattern, cross the radar drop-off point between 2,000’ and 2,700’ MSL. Initial traffic will descend to 2,000’ MSL prior to Tanks and straight-in traffic will deconflict from the tower by staying at or above 1,800’ MSL until clear, then descend to 1,500’ MSL prior to 5 miles.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
For a formation abandon approach follow the re-entry ground track depicted in the IFG. Lead will place the wingman on the outside of the re-entry turn and normally clear the wingman off after crossing the re-entry bins, make a re-entry call, climb to 2,000’ MSL and proceed to the bins.
Wingman will delay 5 seconds, make the re-entry call, climb to 2,000’ MSL and proceed to the reentry bins.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
When a conflict develops between an aircraft in the final turn and straight-in traffic, the final turn aircraft should immediately go around and offset. The straight-in should only maneuver to preserve safety of flight.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
If Hacker is closed, follow normal uncontrolled airfield procedures. Aircraft will squawk_____ during NTA/uncontrolled airfield ops at Hacker.
A. 4000
B. 1200
C. Normal
D. none of the above
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
A. 4000
The maximum number of aircraft allowed in Hackers’s Pattern is___ .
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 8
Formations should split the formation and fly single ship the VOR/DME-E approach if the reported weather is less than 1,500/3.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
During all breakouts at night, climb to____ MSL, squawk normal, remain south of the Red River, and contact arrival on Ch7 for vectors to Bridge or Deans.
A. 2500’
B. 3000’
C. 3500’
D. 4000’
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 3000’
When the RSU is in place at Hacker overhead and ELP patterns will be flown to the east.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Do not request “High Key” when:
A. an aircraft is between 5 and 2 nm on a straight in.
B. an aircraft is orbiting at High Key
C. an aircraft is in the high pattern
D. B&C only
E. all of the above
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
D. B&C only
When recovering to the VOR/DME-E, pilots should plan to arrive at HOLDR with____ lbs. of fuel greater than touchdown fuel to allow for holding and unplanned delays.
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 100
To ensure minimum separation between aircraft while flying the departure, use ____turns, and climb at______ KIAS until established at an assigned cruise altitude, then cruise at_____ KIAS until within assigned area boundaries.
A. 45 deg, 160, 230
B. 30 deg, 140, 230
C. Standard rate, 160, 200
D. 45 deg, 140, 200
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
C. Standard rate, 160, 200
If requesting High Key from initial and told “Negative High Key”, or no response is given, pilots
A. breakout
B. continue to the break zone
C. report “Low Key”
D. climb to High Key and orbit
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. continue to the break zone
At Hacker if breaking out from the perch, make a climbing turn to the east. Once established at 3,200’ MSL, reverse the turn and proceed west to cross across the extended centerline, while giving way to breakout traffic from 90/45 to initial.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
During Weather Recall all aircraft will fly____ KIAS to the nearest radar drop- off/VFR entry
point, or ____KIAS to an instrument approach until 5 NM. Recovery to RWY 18/36 will be flown
at ____KIAS.
A. 200; 250; 250
B. 250; 200; 200
C. 200; 200; 180
D. 250; 250; 250
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 250; 200; 200
When flying under Alternating Instrument status, aircraft will be on final approach for a full stop landing no later than ______.
A. 1+00
B. 1+10
C. 1 +20
D. NLT 15 minutes prior to the recovery window closing
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
D. NLT 15 minutes prior to the recovery
Pre-solo student pilots, solo students, and pre-initial qualification (IQ) check PIT trainees will carry T.O. 1T-6A-1CL-1 during the exterior inspection.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Aircrew will ensure required inspections are current. The T-6A Preflight Inspection (PR) is valid for ____ hours.
A. 48
B. 72
C. 24
D. 12
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 72
Pilots should use external power when motoring the engine or conditions are such that a hot start is likely (battery voltage less than ____ volts, high density altitude and or/high outside temperature, or tail wind).
A. 23.5
B. 24
C. 22
D. 20
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 24
Pilots may motor the engine with the canopy open.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
Do not exceed _____ knots ground speed when entering/exiting any area where jets are parked (pulling in/out of the parking rows). Do not exceed ____ knots ground speed on the ENJJPT ramp outside of the parking rows or ____ knots ground speed on any taxiway. Do not exceed _____ knots ground speed when making sharp turns, such as exiting a runway, etc
A. 5; 10; 20; 10
B. 10; 15; 25; 15
C. 15; 25; 25; 15
D. none of the above
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
B. 10; 15; 25; 15
Locally established bingo fuels apply for normal operations. Under normal conditions, the following bingo fuels are sufficient to arrive at initial with a minimum of 150 lbs. via the furthest radar drop-off point.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP
For O+B and X-C sorties, aircrew will contact the Ops Sup if oil dipstick level is at or below the “ADD” marking 15 to 20 minutes after engine shutdown IAW T.O. 1T-6A-1, Flight Manual.
Proctor Reference: AFI 11-2T-6V3 80 OG SUP