MQF SEP 2021 - 251-300 Flashcards
During a normal takeoff, initiate rotation to ______ degrees nose high at rotation speed.
A. 7-10
B. 10-12
C. 12-15
D. 7-15
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
A. 7-10
N1 will automatically reduce from flight idle (67%) to ground idle (60-61%) approximately ______ seconds after touchdown:
A. 7
B. 8
C. 10
D. 4
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 4
In the auto start mode, if a hot start, hung start, or no start is detected, the PMU should terminate the start sequence. The pilot must then perform a ______ second motoring run.
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 30
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 20
During gusty wind conditions, increase landing threshold and touchdown speeds by 50% of the gust increment up to a maximum increase of ______ knots.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 8
D. Do not increase speeds
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 10
Airstart attempts are not recommended below ______ AGL, as primary attention should be to eject or safely recover the aircraft.
A. 6000
B. 5000
C. 2000
D. 3000
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 2000
If the standby attitude gyro off flag appears after the battery bus has failed, the indicator will continue to operate for at least ______ minutes.
A. 5
B. 9
C. 15
D. 30
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 9
If the battery fails, OBOGS will be inoperative. Emergency oxygen is required above 10,000 feet cockpit altitude.
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
Maximum airspeed for flight with a shattered/damaged/unlocked canopy is
A. 200 KIAS
B. 185 KIAS
C. 150 KIAS
D. 120 KIAS
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 150 KIAS
If safe gear-down indications are obtained at any point during LANDING GEAR MALFUNCTION checklist:
A. discontinue the checklist and land as soon as practical
B. cycle the landing gear handle to verify safe gear down indications
C. pull the EMER LDG GR handle
D. none of the above
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
A. discontinue the checklist and land as soon as practical
Illumination of the DUCT TEMP annunciator indicates that bleed air temperature in the
environmental systems duct (at anytime) or in the defog duct (defog on) has exceeded ______
deg F.
A. 200
B. 500
C. 300
D. 100
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 300
Whenever the trim interrupt button is being depressed, or when the trim disconnect switch is set to disconnect, all trim systems are disengaged and the TAD is disconnected.
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
Recommended minimum altitudes for ejection are ______ feet AGL for controlled ejection, and ______ feet AGL for uncontrolled ejection.
A. 2,000; 10,000
B. 2,000; 6,000
C. 6,000; 10,000
D. None of the above
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 2,000; 6,000
For an engine failure, depending on airspeed, N1 will indicate 0% within approximately ______ seconds, even though the gas generator core may not have seized.
A. 2
B. 5
C. 10
D. 15
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 5
Full rudder deflection above ______ KIAS will exceed the limits for the rudder control system.
A. 150
B. 120
C. 180
D. 227
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
A. 150
Holding a zero-G (+/- 0.25 G) loading for over ______ seconds can cause engine damage and possible engine failure, regardless of oil pressure indications.
A. 15
B. 5
C. 10
D. 30
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 5
Engine operation with high pressure pump suction feeding is limited to ______ hours.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 10
You should attempt to manually balance a fuel load when the alternate engine data display is indicating FP FAIL.
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
Which system operates independently from the primary hydraulic system:
A. Landing gear normal extension
B. Speed brake
C. Nose wheel steering
D. Wheel brakes
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. Wheel brakes
Cabin pressurization will bleed out through the ______ when the inflow switch is set to OFF.
A. canopy seal
B. ram air valve
C. cabin pressurization outflow valves
D. inflow valve
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. cabin pressurization outflow valves
The extra drag during an airstart attempt will cause a descent rate greater than 1350-1500
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
Increase approach speed by ______ KIAS when landing with ice accumulation.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 0
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 10
At idle power during aerobatics or spins, allowable transient oil pressure is ______ psi for a maximum of ______ seconds.
A. 15-90, 10
B. 15-40, 5
C. 40-90, 5
D. 40-130, 10
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 15-40, 5
Maximum fuel flow is limited to ______ PPH or less for all of the phases of flight.
A. 850
B. 799
C. Less than 800 for max power only
D. There is not a maximum limit fuel flow limitation
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 799
Maximum oil pressure during start is ______ psi.
A. 3
B. 45-65
C. 105
D. 200
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 200
Oil temperatures up to ______ deg C are acceptable for ground operations at and below 20%
A. 105
B. 110
C. 120
D. 132
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 110
Do not attempt a battery powered ground start if the battery voltage is below ______ volts.
A. 20
B. 23.5
C. 28
D. 22
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 23.5
Which of the following is NOT one of the four 20-second starter duty cycles:
A. First - motor 20 seconds, then 30 second cooling period
B. Second - motor 20 seconds then 2 minute cooling period
C. Third - motor 20 seconds then 10 minute cooling period
D. Fourth - motor 20 seconds then 30 minute cooling period
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. Third - motor 20 seconds then 10 minute cooling period
Maximum airspeed for flying through turbulence is ______ KIAS. The recommended airspeed in turbulent air is ______ KIAS.
A. 180, 160
B. 195, 180
C. 227, 200
D. 250, 230
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 195, 180
Airstart attempts outside of the airstart envelope may be unsuccessful or result in engine overtemperature. The airstart envelope is defined as:
A. 125-200 KIAS for sea level to 15,000’
B. 135-200 KIAS for 15,001 to 20,000’
C. 125 KIAS minimum
D. A & B only
E. 120-250 KIAS for sea level to 31,000’
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. A & B only
For a clean aircraft, asymmetric (rolling Gs) acceleration limits are:
A. +7.0 to -3.5
B. +2 to 0
C. +4.7 to -1.0
D. +4.7 to -3.5
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. +4.7 to -1.0
Canopy defog must be off for takeoff and landing.
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
The maximum permissible crosswind for a wet runway is ______ knots.
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
A. 10
Aerobatic operation is prohibited with indicated fuel quantities below ______ pounds per side (yellow arc on gage).
A. 50
B. 150
C. 160
D. 370+/- 30
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 150
The canopy shall not be opened on the ground when the surface winds exceed ______ knots.
A. 17.5
B. 25
C. 40
D. 50
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 40
Ejection seats may be operated with the canopy open without injuring the user.
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
Normal oil pressure during steady state conditions is ______ PSI.
A. 40-130
B. 90-200
C. 90-130
D. 90-120
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 90-120
Spins above ______ feet pressure altitude are prohibited:
A. 24,000
B. 20,000
C. 22,000
D. 25,000
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 22,000
Maximum ITT for starting is ______ deg C (5 sec).
A. 820 (+/- 5)
B. 750-850
C. 871-1000
D. 905-1000
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 871-1000
Allowable torque range with Np stabilized and PCL at IDLE:
A. 0 to 3%
B. 1 to 10%
C. 3 to 5%
D. 2 to 6%
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 1 to 10%
Operating maneuvering speed (Vo) is the speed above which full or abrupt control movements in
one axis can result in structural damage to the aircraft. Vo is ______ KIAS.
A. 240
B. 236
C. 227
D. 206
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 227
Aural tones are inaudible during engine start until the engine’s gas generator (N1) is above:
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 50%
The T-6 is permitted to transit through a ______ foot band of ______ icing.
A. 2000, light rime
B. 4000, trace
C. 5000, moderate rime
D. 5000, light rime
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. 5000, light rime
Illumination of the L or R FUEL LO annunciator indicates that approximately ______ pounds of
usable fuel remains in the affected wing tank:
A. 150
B. 120
C. 110
D. 100
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 110
If the flaps are set to any position other than UP, the speed brake will:
A. remain extended if already extended
B. retract if already extended
C. remain retracted if the pilot attempts to extend it after the flaps are extended
D. b and c above
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. b and c above
Natural stall warning, in the form of light aerodynamic buffet, occurs approximately ______ knots before the stall during unaccelerated, power-off stalls in all configurations.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. 3
With power-off, lateral roll during a wings level stall is typically to the ______ , and occurs near full ______ stick.
A. left, aft
B. right, forward
C. left, forward
D. right, aft
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
D. right, aft
In general, out-of-control flight (OCF) can be divided into three categories:
A. Stall, Spin, Recovery
B. Post-stall Gyrations, Incipient spin, Steady-State Spin
C. Buffet, Steady-state spin, Spiral
D. Post-stall gyration, Aggravated Spin, Developed Spin
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
B. Post-stall Gyrations, Incipient spin, Steady-State Spin
A spiral is a rolling and/or yawing motion of the aircraft that is often mistaken for a spin, but is not steady state in that airspeed is increasing through ______ KIAS and motions are oscillatory.
A. 100
B. 140
C. 160
D. 200
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 160
The best response to a spiral is to reduce the power to IDLE and ______ controls until motion stops.
A. apply anti-spin
B. apply pro-spin
C. neutralize the
D. None of the above
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. neutralize the
Spin entry at attitudes greater than ______ degrees nose high may result in low oil pressure and engine damage.
A. 20
B. 40
C. 50
D. 45
Proctor Reference: T.O. 1T-6A-1
C. 50