Formation, 11-248 Flashcards
What are lead’s primary flight responsibilities?
Plan ahead
Monitor #2
What are number 2’s primmary flight responsibilities?
Do not hit #1
Keep #1 in sight
Stay in position and on frequency
Clear for the formation
Back up #1
If in fingertip and directed to change radio frequency, which position should be flown?
If in VMC move to route position - else stay in fingertip
Which is a correct traffic call:
A. “Viking 1, traffic 2 o’clock, 3 miles, high”
B. “Viking 1, traffic right, 3 miles, high”
C. “Viking 1, traffic right 2 o’clock, high”
D. “Viking 1, traffic right 2 o’clock, 3 miles, high”
D. “Viking 1, traffic right 2 o’clock, 3 miles, high”
When is it required to do an OPS Check during formation in the MOA?
After the GX
After each set of FM
Periodically during the sortie
After each set of ET
How close can #2 be to #1 during a BD check?
Nose-tail separation must be maintained
What should all members of a formation do if a KIO call is heard for the formation?
1 continues the current maneuver without changing PWR setting
Clear the flight path
Cease maneuvering
Acknowledge KIO
Stay visual or call blind
When should a KIO call be used?
When should a Terminate call be used?
KIO: Safety of flight, confusion.
Terminate is used when safety is NOT a factor
What shall #1 do if #2 calls “Lost Wingman”?
Immediately perform appropriate procedure
Acknowledge Lost Wingman call
Transmit aircraft attitude
What are the appropriate Lost Wingman procedures:
- Level
- Outside of the turn
- Inside of the turn
- On IAP final approach
- On IAP Missed Approach
- 15 deg for 15 sec - back on hdg
- reverse turn 15 deg for 15 sec - straight - turn when separated
- Reduce pwr momen. and tell #1 to roll out
- Turn away from lead and climb to FAF altitude - get sep clx
- Turn moment away from #1 and climb MAP alt + 500 feet
When should #2 break out of a formation?
H - Hazard to the formation
I - In front of or under lead
T - Told to break out
S - SA lost
How much altitude deconfliction shall be obtained during a double blind situation in the MOA?
1.000’ separation
Which position should the new #2 take after a lead change?
The new #2 should take up the position from which the lead change was initiated - so if lead change was initiated in fingertip the new #2 should go into fingertip after the lead change.
What are the #2’s references for flying fingertip position:
- Stack?
- Fore/aft?
- Lateral spacing?
- Exhaust stack on top of the wing
- Position light in front of and pitot tube behind exhaust stack
- Forward edge of horisontal stab aligned with rudder hinge
- What are the route position parameters?
- And max bank angle?
- Can #2 swap sides during route position
- 2 ship width to 500 feet
Line abreast to 30 degrees aft
Level with lead
- App. 60 degrees of bank
- No - maintain same side.
Do you need to break out during a straight ahead rejoin if passing the 3/9 line?
No, not if it is small, controlled, flight paths are not convergent and lead is in sight
Which separation should you keep during an overshoot during a turning rejoin? What is minimum spacing not requiring a break out?
2 ship lengths
Nose-tail separation
What are “Fighting Wing” parameters?
Do you have to call “In” if ordered to go “Fighting Wing”?
30-45 degree cone - 500-1.000 feet aft.
What are the Chase position parameters?
30-60 degree cone
Out to 1.000 feet
Not below #1 below 1.000’ AGL
Whih PWR setting should #1 use for a formation WING take off?
85-95% torque
At which airspeed may gear and flaps be directed retracted by #1?
With a minimum of 110 knots
During an interval takeoff, which airspeed and pwr setting should #1 use?
At minimum 160 knots pwr is set to 85-95% torque and 160 knots is held.
What are the parameters for an instrument trail departue take off?
- Take off spacing?
- Speeds?
- Comms?
- Altitude separation?
- Alt separation if not visual at level off?
- 20 secs minimum
- 160 knots at maks power
- Call out even thousands and HDG changes
- Minimum 1,000 feet until visual
- # 1 will request a 1,000 feet lower for #2.
What are the parameters for Wing Work?
- LVL 1?
- LVL 2?
- LVL 3?
- 0-30 bank, 10 pitch, 1-2 Gs, 120 knots minimum
- 0-60 bank, 25 pitch, 1-2 Gs, 120 knots minimum
- 0-90 bank, 35 pitch, 1-3 Gs, 120 knots minimum
What are the parameters for CLOSE TRAIL?
Visual references?
Which side does #2 reform to?
1-2 ship lengths spacing
Wingspan between mag compas and AOA indeer
Exhaust stacks directly on top of the wings
Reform to left side - or inside of the turn if #1 is turning
What is the objective of training Extended Trail?
To practice 3-dimensional maneuvering in relation to another aircraft.
What is minimum airspeed during Extended Trail?
100 knots
What are the parameters of Extended Trail?
- LVL 1
- LVL 2
- LVL 3
- Stable turn, 30-60 bank, ~2 Gs, 50% pwr
- Turns+mod Lazy-8, 120 bank, mod Gs, 85-maks
- Mod adv acro, bank as req, G as req, 85-maks
How are all FORM turns conducted when established in the pattern?
When should #2 stack level on a Formation Approach?
No earlier than glide path intercept - and no later than ½ mile from RWY
Which pwr setting is used for a Formation Go Around?
App. 75% torque
When should the lead be offered #2 during an emergency?
When emergency occurs
On recovery below WX
On final with field in sight
What are the parameters for TAC FORM?
- Spacing?
- Stack?
- Line
- 2,000-3,000 feet
- Up to 500 feet
- LAB to 10 degrees aft
What is the optimum stack during TAC FORM?
200-300 feet stack
What are the radio calls for the TAC GX?
Viking, push it up, stby GX - 2
Viking 1 ready - Viking 2 ready
Viking, G warm warm, hook L/R - no response
Viking 1 ready - Viking 2 ready
Viking G awareness, hook L/R - no response
What are the parameters of WEDGE?
30-45 aspect
2,000-3,000 feet spacing
500 feet stack (200-300 being optimum)
No lower than lead during low level
How to setup ET from TAC LAB?
Call the next set
Turn 45 away from #2
Reverse and set 45 aspect when #2 is pure oursuit
Start when #2 calls IN
What are the starting parameters for FM?
11,000-12-000 feet
200 knots +- 10
3000 feet LAB
Stack level
What are the radio calls for FM setup?
Viking, next set FM lvl 2 for 2 - “2”
Viking 1 ready - Viking 2 ready
Viking, check L/R
Viking, Fight’s on (At 1,500 feet)
What are the references for LAB:
- 000’ spacing
- 500’ spacing
- 000’ spacing
Ejection seats and helmets are visible
Ejection seats are dscernable
Canopy blends with fuselage, prop blade still visual
What are the parameters for FM LVL 1 and 2?
LVL 1: 10 pitch, 1-2 Gs, 180-220 KIAS, 70-85%
LVL2: 30 pitch, 120 angle of bank, 150-250 KIAS, 85-max
Normal stack for TAC FORM is ____ ‘, where ____’ to ____’ is optimum.
If correcting for LAB position, how low/high can you go then?
500’, 200-300’
As high/low as you need.
In which order do you correct position corrections during TAC FORM?