EPs, ELPs daglige OPS Flashcards
Which systems/switches are only accessible from the front cockpit?
Activation of the AUX BAT MAN fuel balancing Environmental Control System (ECS) Parking Brake Emergency Gear Extension Power Management Unit Firewall shutoff handle Gust lock
Which systems/switches are only accessible from the rear cockpit?
Interseat Sequencing System (ISS)
Interphone hot/cold mic switch
What do you say/do in order to transfer aircraft control between cockpits?
Initiate: “You have the aircraft”
Respond: “I have the aircraft” – shake the stick
In a climb set the TAS to ____ and in a descent to ____?
In a climb set “Above”
In a descent or LVL flight set “below”
What are the three basic rules of handling an emergency procedure?
Maintain aircraft control
Analyze the situation and take proper action
Land as soon as conditions permit
During which step of handling an emergency does executing a BOLDFACE belong?
Analyze the situation and take proper action
What are the Aircraft commander’s command to execute ejection?
“Bailout, Bailout, Bailout”
During an emergency procedure you can use the acronym: AABCDEF.
What does it abbreviate?
A – Aircraft control A – analyze the situation B – BOLDFACE C – Clean up – Checks D – Declare (Plan) E – Egress/Ejection F – Follow the plan
What is a FEVER check?
F – Fluctuating fuel flow E – Excessive ITT V – Visual signs (Smoke, flames etc.) E – Errattic Engine operation R – Roughness in the engine
If at any time during the “analyze the situation”-step of an emergency procedure you realize there may be signs of an impending engine problem, perform the first four steps of the precautionary emergency landing (PEL) checklist: “TCCC” – which is?
And then set up for an ____?
T – Turn
C – Climb
C – Clean
C – Check
Set up for an ELP (Emergency Landing Pattern)
What is a post-FEVER check?
A check you perform to see if the actions you have taken in handling an EP did what you expected it to do – i.e. did the engine restart? Did the smoke dissipate? Etc.
During an EP, what do you as a minimum declare to the SOF/RSU/ATC?
Nature of emergency Fuel remaining (In hours and minutes) Souls on board Plan of action ETA
What is the app. Power setting for maintaining an airspeed at different altitudes?
250 KIAS = _____ % power
200 KIAS = _____ % power
150 KIAS = _____ % power
93% + 1% torque per 1.000’
50% + 1% torque per 1.000’
32% + 1% torque per 1.000’
In which order should control surfaces be trimmed?
What happens to the aerodynamic center of the propeller during high AOA power-on flight?
What does shifting of the aerodynamic center of the propeller do to the aircraft?
How to correct for this?
What is this effect called?
The center moves right
Causing the aircraft to yaw left
Use rudder
What is the gyroscopic effect?
What is the effect of the nose of the aircraft being: Yawed left? Yawed right? Pitched down? Pitched up?
Gyroscopic precession causes an applied force to act in a plane 90 degrees from that in which it was applied.
Yaw left – tendency to pitch up
Yaw right – tendency to pitch down
Pitch down – yaw left
Pitch up – yaw right
During preflight – what should be checked before turning on the battery?
Ensure the prop area is clear before turning on the battery.
During engine start closely monitor _____ , _____ and _____.
ITT (Temperature)
N1 (Gas generator speed)
Start ready light (Start annunciator)
During start up, what should you do before activating any system that could endanger personnel?
Signal the crewchief
How to do the brake check during taxi?
How to transfer aircraft control during brakes check?
PF (Pilot Flying) checks own brakes and says “My brakes check, check yours”. PNF (Pilot Non Flying) then checks brakes.
No transfer of aircraft control is necessary to do this.
Taxi no faster than ____ knots in congested areas and _____ knots in non-congested areas?
5-7 knots
15 knots
Avoid taxiing acros RWY cables)
When do you use the R-NEWS (T) check?
What does it abbreviate?
Before take-off
R – RAIM (Check RAIM and FDE on page 2) N – NAV AIDS/needles E – Emergencies (Abort, ENG failure on T/O) W – Weather/Winds S – SID/DP review T – TOLD
After shut-down and before stepping down from the aircraft wing – what should be checked?
Ejection pins installed CFS pins installed ISS in SOLO BAT in OFF OBOGS in OFF Gust lock engaged Parking brake set.
What is the TPPLAN acronym – and when is it normally used?
It is used during line up:
T – TAS to NORM P – Panel (Only normal lights) P – Probes (Turn on) L – Lights (Ensure exterior lights are on) A – ALT (Select ALT on the transponder) N – NWS (Deselect when aligned)
When should a static T/O be performed?
Solo students
Night T/O
Used also during early training stage
Recalculate TOLD if doing a rolling T/O?
During T/O rotate at ____ KIAS?
85 KIAS – add half the gust factor up to 10 KIAS.
How to do a static T/O?
Line-up on RWY Stop Disengage NWS Guard brakes (PNF) PCL to 25-30% torque Check Engine instruments Release brakes PCL MAX Check engine instruments after 3 seconds
How to do rolling T/O?
Align on RWY
Disengage NWS
Check engine instruments after 3 seconds
During T/O roll – at which speed do you check _____ ?
At which speed do you rotate (No gust)
At 60 KIAS check for expected torque.
Rotate at 85 KIAS (No gust)
During T/O when do you retract gear and flaps?
Safely airborne with positive climb
ENG instruments checked within limits
When should the climb-check be accomplished?
Passing 10.000’ MSL
When should an OPS check be accomplished?
During first LVL OFF.
Every 15 minutes
When do you normally do the GUTS check?
What is it?
Before the traffic pattern entry point.
G – GPS (Waypoint + OBS)
U – UHF/VHF (As appropriate)
T – TAS (set range)
S – Squack (0377 at ENJJPT)
Use _____ flaps for a Touch and Go landing?
Use _____ flaps for a full stop landing?
Take off flaps
Any flap setting
What is the airspeed in the landing pattern?
200 KIAS
How long is the break zone?
What speed do you slow to during the break?
When do you extend gear and flaps?
120KIAS minimum on downwind
Below 150 KIAS extend gear and flaps
Which flap setting to use with:
<10 kts X-wind: ______
>10 kts X-wind: ______
>20 kts X-wind: ______
LDG flaps
T/O flaps
UP flaps
When using LDG flaps:
Final turn speed is ____ kts? Torque: ____ ?
Speed on final is ____ kts? Torque: ____?
Not recommended during _____ winds?
Discouraged when X-wind is > ____ kts?
Max X-wind for LDG flaps is _____ kts?
High of: 110 KIAS or on speed AOA – 18 % 100 KIAS on final – 16 – 18% LDG flaps not recommended in gusty winds LDG flaps are discouraged >10 kts X-wind Max X-wind is 25 kts
When using T/O flaps:
Final turn speed is ____ kts? Torque: ____ ?
Speed on final is ____ kts? Torque: ____ ?
T/O flaps are normally used for ____?
Recommended for full stops LDG when X-wind is > ____ kts?
May be used for full stop during ____ winds?
High of 115 KIAS or on speed AOA – 15%
105 KIAS on final, 14 – 16%
Normally used for touch and GOs
Used for full stop landing when >10 kts X-wind
May be used for gusty winds full stop landings
When using UP flaps:
Final turn speed is ____ kts? Torque: ___ ?
Speed on final is ____ kts? Torque: ___ ?
May be used for full stop landings when X-wind is >_____ kts?
High of 120 KIAS or on speed AOA – 12%
110 KIAS on final, 12 – 14%
Used for full stop landing when >20 kts X-wind
Which power setting to use on inside downwind for:
LDG flaps: ____ %
T/O flaps: ____ %
UP flaps: ____ %
Which power setting to use in the final turn for:
LDG flaps: ____ %
T/O flaps: ____ %
UP flaps: ____ %
Which power setting to use on final for:
LDG flaps: ____ %
T/O flaps: ____ %
UP flaps: ____ %
16 – 18%
14 – 16%
12 – 14%
What is the app. power setting during the break?
App. 10%
When should you break out from inside downwind?
Another aircraft in final turn not in sight.
A ST-IN inside 2 NM not in sight.
An ELP inside LOW KEY and spacing cannot be maintained.
Pattern spacing cannot be maintained.
Not properly configured at the Perch.
Which bank angle should be planned to be used during the final turn?
Do not exceed ____ º of bank.
If exceeding ____ º of bank – go around.
30º of bank.
When do you slow from final turn speed to final speed?
When rolling out on final.
Where app. Is the aimpoint?
App. 500’ short of intended touch down point.
During a ST-IN approach, when should you be at 500’ AGL?
When do you configure?
Be at 500’ prior to the 5 mile point.
Configure prior the 2 mile point.
What should airspeed be crossing the threshold?
10 kts slower than speed on final.
During a full stop landing, at which speed do you lower the nose to the ground?
Below app. 80 KIAS.
What should you confirm ____ seconds after main gear touchdown?
4 seconds
Check N1 reduction from 67% to 60-61%.
A good technique during landing is to check for airspeed below ___ KIAS with ___ feet of runway remaining and below ___ KIAS with ___ feet of runway remaining to alleviate the need for excessive braking at the end of the runway.
60 KIAS at 2.000* to go
40 KIAS at 1.000’ to go
What to do during landing roll if experiencing nose wheel shimmy?
Apply back stick pressure to releive pressure on the nose wheel – then gently release stick pressure.
What is cold and hot sides of the RWY?
COLD is near the turnoff side.
HOT is the side away from the turnoff.
How to complete a round-out and flare?
App. 1.000’ prior your aimpoint: app. 10% pwr
2 secs later: shift your aimpoint to the EOR
Begin further PWR reduction during the flare
What are the parameters of pulling a closed?
140 KIAS minimum.
45-60º angle of bank – 90º max.
PWR – as req. (MAX initially normally)
During a closed pull-up, what is the technique regarding retarding the power?
Retard the power to 20% during pull up.
Begin retarding the PCL 100* early for each 10 KIAS above 140 KIAS – i.e. at 180 KIAS you retard the PCL at 400’ prior pattern altitude.
When may an ELP (Emergency Landing Pattern) be warranted?
Fire warning
Engine failure
Any signs of impending engine failure
Any unusual engine operation
How many types of ELP’s exists?
Two. PEL (Precautionary Emergency Pattern) - Motor virker FL (Forced landing) - Motor virker ikke
Which power setting to be used during a simulated Forced Landing (SFL) and PEL?
4-6 % torque
What is the ORM 3-2-1?
When used – when not used?
Do not descend below 2.000’ AGL during an FL (Forced Landing) unless:
O – On profile for field of intended landing
R – Runway in sight, and in a position:
M – to safely Maneuver to land.
3 – 300’ AGL: Final decision to eject or not
2 – 200’ AGL: gear conf. and reported down
1 – 100’ AGL: Aircraft on centerline.
Use during FL – not ELP
After initiating the TCCC – which is ____, you may continue with the BIP, which is ____ ?
T – Turn
C – Climb
C – Clean
C – Check
B – Boost pump
I – Ignition
P – Plan
What is “Being on profile” or “Being in the bubble?
What is “Bubble hopping”?
Being on profile/bubble means you are being at sufficient altitude to be able to make an airfield using engine-out glide.
Bubble hopping is shifting from one usable airfield to another.
How do you determine if you can reach an airfield during an HAPL?
Start with you altitude in MSL Subtract desired key (3.000 or 1.500’) Subtract field elevation Multiply with 2 Divide by 1.000 to get max distance glide (No wind)
During an PEL – which power and airspeed do you use once you are able to reach a High Key position at a suitable airfield?
4-6 % torque
125 KIAS
During a HAPL, what does 10 KIAS in airspeed equate to in altitude gain if zoomed or in distance of gliding level?
10 KIAS equals 100’ vertically up or 1.000’ laterally
During a HAPL, what impact does lowered gear have on the glide ration?
Gear down reduces the glide ration from 2:1 to 1,5:1.
During your TCCC – BIP check on an HAPL, which are your options with regards to “P” (Plan)?
Intercept ELP profile at or above High Key
Intercept profile another place with appropriate configuration and airspeed.
For an FL – eject if aircraft cannot be recovered safely (ORM 3-2-1)
With an engine malfunction, depending on actual weather conditions, a normal overhead, visual straight-in, or instrument approach is highly recommended as an alternate means of recovery.
What is a HAPL?
H – High
A – Altitude
P – Power
L – Loss
Which airspeed to maintain during a HAPL?
With and without gear…
No gear: 125
Gear down: 120 KIAS minimum.
Which power setting to use during a HAPL:
During a SFL (Simulated Forced Landing)?
During a PEL (Precautionary Emergency Landing)?
SFL: 4-6% (Simulating feathered propel)
PEL: As required until on profile – then 4-6% torque
During a HAPL, what is the app. Loss of altitude during a on-profile 360º turn using:
30º of bank?
45º of bank?
60º of bank?
30: 2.000’
45: 1.500’
60: 1.000’
What is the glide performance during an HAPL / PEL / (S)FL in a clean aircraft and 4-6% torque:
Glide ratio?
Airspeed – 125 KIAS
Glide ratio: 2:1 (2 NM per 1.000’)
VSI – 1.350 – 1.500’/min
How do you use the GPS to proceed direct to an airfield (Can be used during an HAPL profile)?
How do you find relevant airfield information about selected airfield on the GPS – i.e. elevation, length, direction etc.?
Pres NRST button
Pulling out and rotating the inner right knob cycles through the nearest airfields.
Pushing DIRECT and ENTER makes the displayed airfield the current waypoint.
Pushing the right knob back in and rotating it displays other airport pages:
Airport 2: ID and elevation
Airport 3: RWY length and orientation
Airport 4: COMMS
How do you correct for HIGH energy level during a (S)FL or actual FL?
During a PEL?
(S)FL and FL:
Modify GND track,
Induce a SLIP,
Add drag (Gear and flaps) early
Reduce PWR or as for a (S)FL
How do you correct for LOW energy level during (S)FL and actual FL?
During a PEL?
(S) FL and actual FL:
Delay gear and/or flaps out
Go to LOW/BASE key or direct final
Adjust pattern GND track
Use power
As for (S) FL and actual FL
During an ELP – describe HIGH key: Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Altitude: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_\_\_\_
HIGH key: Airspeed: _120 KIAS minimum_ Altitude: _3.000’ AGL (2.500’ min.) _ Gear: _UP / DOWN\_\_\_\_ Flaps: _UP\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_Directly above intended point of touchdown\_\_\_
During an ELP – describe X-key: Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Altitude: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_\_\_\_
X-key: Airspeed: _120 KIAS minimum_ Altitude: _2.200 – 2.300’ AGL _ Gear: _UP / DOWN\_\_\_\_ Flaps: _UP\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_perpendicular to intended point of touchdown\_\_\_
During an ELP – describe low-key: Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Altitude: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_\_\_\_
Low-key: Airspeed: _120 KIAS minimum_ Altitude: _1.500’ AGL _ Gear: _DOWN\_\_\_\_ Flaps: _T/O\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_parallel to intended point of touchdown – 2/3 WingTip Displacement\_\_\_
Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Altitude: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_\_\_\_
Base-key: Airspeed: _120 KIAS minimum_ Altitude: _600 – 800’ AGL _ Gear: _DOWN\_\_\_\_ Flaps: _LDG as req.\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_ perpendicular to intended point of touchdown\_\_\_
During an ELP – describe final: Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Altitude: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_\_\_\_
On final: Airspeed: _110 KIAS minimum_ Gear: _DOWN\_\_\_\_ Flaps: _LDG as req.\_\_\_\_ Position in relation to RWY: \_\_ 1.000’ from intended point of touchdown\_\_\_
What should you do during an ELP when crossing LOW key?
Go wings level to check for proper spacing to the RWY.
When do you lower the flaps to LDG during an ELP?
When landing is assured.
How far from the intended touch down point on an ELP should you intercept/roll out on final?
A minimum of 1.000’ prior the intended landing point.
What should you do if you during a landing from an PEL determine that there is not sufficient RWY to stop the aircraft?
Go around.
Try to reach a new LOW key – or eject I sufficient PWR is not available.
What is a recommended technique to adjust the HIGH key position for headwind?
How do you correct your BASE key in the same wind?
Move the HIGH key position 1.000’ for each 10 kts of headwind.
Turn from LOW key earlier and move BASE key closer.
Which is the best way to gain energy in the T-6?
MAX power – climb with 140-160 KIAS
What are the acronyms that can be used on inside-downwind during an overhead pattern?
What do they abbreviate?
T – Torque (10-20% verify)
T – Track (Spacing – adjust for wind)
T – Talk (Radio call)
T – Trim (As you slow down)
S – Speed
S – Spacing
S – Speak
When do you leave the Perch (What reference to the RWY)?
When – in an no-wind situation – the RWY is app. 45° behind you.
Adjust for wind – perch early for a headwind on final…
Which technique can be used leaving the Perch?
Flaps – re-check correct flaps
PWR – adjust PWR for final turn and flaps
Pitch – adjust pitch for the descend
Roll – Begin the final turn
Where should you on a normal pattern plan to roll out on final?
Distance from RWY?
½ mile final
200’ AGL
What do you use “Half-DME + key” for?
To determine the altitude you need to be at in order to reach an emergency airfield.
I.e. if 20 NM away, you need to be at:
20 NM / 2 – 3000’ =
10.000’ – 3.000’ =
7.000’ AGL
Add field elevation to get required MSL to reach airfield
What should you consider during a FL (Forced Landing) if you are in doubt whether or not you can reach the airfield of intended landing?
According to ORM 3- 2- 1 you should consider ejecting no later than 2.000’ AGL – if already below 2.000’ AGL decision to eject has to be taken NLT 300’ AGL
The intended point of landing during an ELP (Emergency Landing Pattern) is within ____ of the RWY with ____ flaps extended, on centerline, touching down on-speed.
One-third of the RWY
LDG flaps
Airspeed for altitude.
At which ratio do you trade airspeed for altitude and vice versa?
How (Method/technique)?
1.000’ = 50 KIAS
ALT for KTS:
Canopy bow on the horizon
KTS for ALT:
Clock on the horizon
What are some energy gaining maneuvers?
PWR-ON stalls
Nose-High recovery
Stability Demonstration
What are the parameters for PWR–ON stalls? Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Power: \_\_\_\_\_ Bank: \_\_\_\_\_ Pitch: \_\_\_\_\_
Airspeed: As req. to gain entry parameters
Power: 30-60% - MAX during recovery
Bank: Wings LVL – or 20-30° for turning
Pitch: 15-40°
Which kind of ELP stalls are there?
How much altitude do you loose during practice of a full series of ELP stalls?
Enroute to High key
High to low key
Low key to RWY
App. 4.000’
What are the parameters for ELP stalls? Airspeed: \_\_\_\_\_ Power: \_\_\_\_\_ Bank: \_\_\_\_\_ Gear: \_\_\_\_\_ Flaps: \_\_\_\_\_
Airspeed: 125 / 120 (No gear / gear) Power: 4-6% Bank: 0° (En route) – else 30° Gear: UP (En route) else down Flaps: UP (En route, HI-LO), TO (LO-RWY)