Diverse checks Flashcards
While taxiing to the RWY do the R-NEWS-T check, which is?
R - RAIM and FDE (Fault Detection and Exclusion) - check and set on STAT 2 page
N - NAV and Needles - set up
E - Emergency during T/R and DEP - prepare to handle
W - WX and Winds - consider
S - SID / DP - review
T - TOLD - review
Line up check:
T - TAS - NORM P - CWS Panel clear ("Panel's clear" - ("Same")) P - Probes on L - Lights on A - ALT in SQUAWK N - NWS disengage when aligned with RWY
Before entering the Pattern at the radar drop off point og the VFR entry point:
G - GPS and OBS set up
U - UHF - set freq
S - SQUAK 0377
Before doing an area profile or entering a LOW LVL route:
F E E N C E - T check
And say: _____?
F - Fuel balance and quantity E - Engine - within limits E - Emergency Airfields nearby N - NAV AIDS set up C - Comms - set C - Checks - OPS/LVL OFF/ CLEF etc. E - Equipment - OBOGS check, and no loose articles T - TAS set "G-suit checks, my loose items are stowed" - "same"
As you approach the T-6 before flying check for: ____ , ____ , ____ and ___ - at least….
No leaks
Chocks in
Crew Chief
Fire Bottle
Before stalling, spinning and aerobatics do the _____ - check - which is?
CCLEFF C - Clear the area C - Clear panel L - Loose items stowed E - Engine; within limits F - Fuel balance within 50 pounds F - Fuel minimum 150 pounds each side
“My loose items stowed”
The check you perform prior an enroute descent - or prior shooting an INST APP?
W - WX check
H - Holding, coordinate and prepare if required
O - Obtain clearance for holding or the APP
L - Letdown plate review (NMAILMAN)
D - Descent check
S - Speeds - slow down for holding
The check you do for letdown plate review?
NMAILMAN check N - NAV AIDS M - Minimums for APP + MSA A - Altimeter set I - Initial Descent rate L - Lost Comms procedure M - Missed APP og climb out instruction A - Aerodome sketch check N - NAV AIDS set - review changes for APP
Before commencing the final APP on an instrument APP - or between two APP - you do the LIDS check, which is?
LIDS L - LOC, set freq I - Inbound course - set D - DME, check proper FREQ S - Speed
When crossing an APP fix or a holding fix do this check to maintain SA and task management?
6T T - Time for APP og holding T - Turn to desired HDG T - Torque set to maintain airspeed T - Twist desired course T - Track selected course or HDG T - Talk (As required)
During TAXI check you check? And say?
Transponder - As required
Nose Wheel Steering - On
Brakes - Check
HDG+turn/slip indicator - check
“My brakes check good - check yours”
Overspeed Governor Check - do and say?
Brakes - hold (“Guard the brakes” - “Guarding”)
PCL - idle
PMU sw - OFF, check N1 stable 60% or above
PCL - advance to 100% ± 2% Np
Verify 100±2% is reached at 30±5% torque
PCL - advance slightly - veirfy Np at 100±2%
PCL - idle
Verify: PMU FAIL out, Np at 46-50% and N1 at 60-61%
OPS check - do and say?
HYD pres - check Electrical sys - check Fuel quantity and bal - check OBOGS - check Engine - check Pressurization - check
“On, normal, normal, good blinker”
After take off check - say/do?
“Two climbing, good engine, gear clear”, “Clear”
Gear - UP
Flaps - up
“Gear and flaps up at [airspeed]”, “Confirmed”
Climb check - passing _____’ ?
POD-V check
P - Pressurization system - check
O - OBOGS - check
D - Defog - as req
V - Vent lever - as req
“On, normal, normal, godd blinker”, (Same)
Descent check - do/say?
HAAD-V check
H - HDG system - check A - Attitude system - check A - Altimeters - set D - Defog - as req V - Vent lever - as req
“Good HDG and attitude, xx.xx set twice” (Same)