Mosby Microbiology Flashcards
What is the average temperature of an incubator?
37 degrees celsius or 98 degrees farenheidt
When are cultures grown?
Overnight and held for 48 hours
What is nutritive media?
Grows all types of bacteria and some fungi
What is selective media?
Grows only certain types of bacteria
What is Differential media?
Contains elements that differentiate types of bacteria
How are media plates incubated?
Upside down to prevent condensation from dripping onto cultures
What is an agar?
Semisolid media
What is a broth?
Liquid media
What is a plate?
Flat round container of agar
What is a slant
Tube of agar that has been allowed to gel at an angle
What is a CNA (Columbia colistin nalidixic acid) agar?
Selects for gram positive
What is a MAC (MacConkey II) agar?
Selects for gram negative
Differentiates between lactose fermentors (purple) and non-lactose fermenters
What is MH (Mueller-Hintong) agar?
Antibiotic sensitivity testing
What is TSA (trypticase soy agar with 5% sheeps blood)?
Nutritive medium for cultivation of organisms
What is TSA aka?
Blood agar plate