Module 4: Neural and Hormonal Systems Flashcards
name the parts of the neuron, and how many there are
- dendrite fibers
- axon
- axon terminals
- myelin sheath
- Schwan celll
- node of ranvier
- cell body
- nucleus
Dendrite fibers
- receive infoo, sent it to the cell body (the strands going outward from the central mass)
Axons - sends messages to other neurons (long, sometimes several feet throughout the body, single thick strand attached to cell body)
axon terminals
Axon terminal - where the axon “terminates,” or ends and spreads out into multiple branches connecting to other cells
myelin sheath
fatty tissue in segments covering the axon that insulates and speeds up impulses, and up to about 25 years (where they stop being created) brain efficiency, judgement, and SELF-CONTROL increase
-if degraded, communication to muscle slows and is eventually lost (multiple sclerosis)
action potential
the electric charge that moves down the axon in response to input from a chemical signal or sensory stimulation. these impulses can be 2 - 180 mph in speed, but often take a quarter of a second for a full reaction. (also elephants react slower because their bodies are larger and it takes longer for the nerves to do their thing)
Resting potential/resting pause/refractory period
at rest, axons contain negatively charged ions within the internal fluod, with the fluid outside containing positively charged sodium ions
- surface is SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE, (selects certain molecules to let in, keeps out others)
- axon opens up, depolarizing a section, and thus causing the next section down the line to depolarize until the axon terminal is reached
excitatory vs inhibitory signals
speed up vs. slow down neuron firings
How does an action potential occur int terms of excitatory and inhibitory signals?
if exceed a minimum threshold of excitatory/inhibitory then action potential impulse is triggered (but not more or less, its a true/false process)
What is different in the neuron firings of a punch vs. a light tap?
amount of fired neurons (either a true or a false on firing, no “strength” of electrical signal)
Resting PAUSE/refratctory period
axion opens up its channels to pump out the positive sodium ions back outside of the neuron
where does the neural signalling hit the neuron? what carries it out to reh rest of the neuron?
dendrites listen, axions carry/speak to other parts of the neuron from there
feeling the shape of the skull to determine psychological traits and ailments (does not work)
Biological perspective
Biology and behavior/psychological events linked (ex. adaptive brain = strengthened synaptic connections via experiences that are repeated)
on smaller scales, can monkey and human brain tissue be differentiated
nah dude
How many neurons in your brain?
86 billion
true/false: animals that are larger have longer reaction times (and explain why)
true, as neurons have finite speeds at which they can transmit messages
after action potential reaches axon terminal and triggers neurotransmitter release, the neuron reabsorves neurotransmitters that didn’t find receptors
the human brain produces its own opiates that elevate mood and ease pain
the brain accounts for a larger % of body mass in humans than any other species
electrically stimulating a cats brain at a certain point can cause it to cower in fear in the presence of a small pony
both humans and animals have reward centers in they brain
we only use 10% of our brains
some people can write but cant read