mod 20 - learning Flashcards
ability to adapt dude
acquiring new/relatively ENDURIng information/BEHAVIORS
associative learning
associating one event w/ another, either two stimuli (classical) or a response and consequence (operant)
smth that causes response
cognitive learning
get mental info via observation or language (info communication forms)
classical conditioning
one learns to link 2+ stimuli and ANTICIPATE event
Psychology should:
1. be objective science
2. study behavior WITHOUT regard to mental processes ((behavior is behavior
2 is not regarded as true nowadays
respondent behavior
automatic response behavior (flinch when sprayed w/ water)
neutral stimulus (NS)
no response before conditioning (word can b4 sprays)
unconditioned response (UR)
natural response to stimulus (flinch sprayed with water)
unconditioned stimulus (US)
unconditionally (naturally AND automatically) causes response (get slapped with react no matter what if not expecting it)
conditioned response (CR)
learned response to previously neutral stimulus (now is the conditioned stimulus, or CS)
conditioned stimulus (CS)
once irrelevant neutral stimulus now having been associated with an unconditioned stimulus, causes conditioned response
acquisition (initial stage)
classical: linkage of neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus, creating a conditioned stimulus and thus conditioned response
operant: strengthened reinforced response
higher-order conditioning AKA second order conditioning
already conditioned stimulus gets paired with a new neutral stimulus, making a second often weaker conditioned stimulus (animal associates noise with food, then light plays before noise, so animal might start reacting to light)
diminishing of conditiioned response
classical: unconditioned stimulus no longer follows conditioned stimulus (broken association)
operant: response = no longer enforced (also broken association)
spontaneous recovery
reappearance of extinguished conditioned response
stimuli similar to conditioned stimuli to elicit conditioned response (traumatized children react more negatively to angry faces)
The LEARNED ability to discriminate between conditioned Stimulus (CS) and random, neutral stimulus w/o response (can vs. other words)
why is pavlov’s work remaining so important
responses to stimuli can be classicalyl conditioened to many other organisms
the process of learning can be studied objectively
core of operant conditioning
MOTIVATION, you go for more wanted results and run from less wanted
core of cognitive learning
we learn thru observation and thru language we learn that which we have not experienced
how long for behaviors to become habitual
66 days
True/false: learned asssociations feed habitual behaviors
true, the more we do smth the more the behaviors are associated with the context of where and when and why we doing it