module 18 common disorders with school-aged children Flashcards
unilateral deficit in which there is defective development of the visual pathways needed to attain central vision
- clear focused imaged fail to reach the brain
- reduced or permanent loss of vision
deprivational amblyopia
obstruction of vision
- ptosis
- cataract
- nystagmus
refractive amblyopia
myopia: near sighted
hyperopia: far sighted
astigmatism: abnormal curvature of eye
anisometropia: refractive power different between eyes
amblyopia clinical findings
- squinting, covers/closes one eye when concentrating
- abnormal vision, cover/uncover, and/or fundoscopic exam
- pain in or around eyes, HA
- fatigue, dizzy
- developmental delay
- family hx
amblyopia management
refer to ophthalmologist or optometrist for corrective lens
- annual evaluations recommended
- moderate: can respond to 2 hours of daily patching
defect in ocular alignment, or position of eyes in relation to each other
- lazy eye
- muscles of the eyes are not coordinated, when one eye is directed straight ahead the other deviates
- children older than 7-9 this causes dbl vision
type of strabismus
- intermittent deviation in ocular alignment that is held latent by sensory fusion.
- child can maintain alignment on object
- deviation occurs when binocular fusion is disrupted, most often during the cover/uncover test
type of strabismus
- consistent or intermittent deviation in ocular alignment
- unable to maintain alignment on an object of fixation
- intermittent occurs when the child is tired
strabismus clinical findings
- intermittent exotropia
- when only one eye is affected: child focuses with the unaffected eye
- when both eyes are affected: the one that looks straight is the fixating eye
- persistent squinting, head tilting, face turning, over-pointing
- marked dec. visual acuity in one eye
- possible nystagmus
strabismus managment
- suspicious after age 4 months and should be referred
- unaffected eye is occluded, forcing the child to use affected eye
- corrective lenses
- surgery
any unwanted aggressive behavior by another youth or group of youths that involves power imbalance and is repeated or likely to be repeated multiple times
- physical
- verbal
- relational/social
- aggression
- cyber
bullying behaviors cause
physical injury social and emotional distress depression anxiety sleep difficulties lower academic achievement eating disorders health issues academic issues mental health disorders later in life
youth who bully are at risk for
substance abuse
academic problems
inc. risk for criminal activity
mental health disorders later in life
learning challenges
difficulties with
- basic thinking and processing
- specific problems in language, attention, organizational skills
- higher cognitive functions
- memory and sensory function
- motor capacities
- visuospatial analysis
- neuro-motor function
- social awareness and behavior
Learning challenges history
- vision and hearing abilities
- progress, interest, success in school
- sudden changes in school performance
- changes noted in vocabulary/language, logical reasoning, ability to problem solve
- hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory stimuli
- req. fidgeting or inability to meet age appropriate expectations for seated activities
- concerns with peer interactions
- identification of learning problems by school
learning challenges exam
- general appearance, interaction with caregiver and examiner.
- ability to follow commands
- eye: nystagmus, strabismus
- neuro: sensation, mobility, tone and strength, fine motor skills
- mental status: sensory, cognitive, and language abilities.