Module 16 developmental milestones Bright Futures Flashcards
startle reflex
- appears: birth
- disappears: 3-4 months
cheek stroke -> head turn in that direction
- trying to find food
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4 months
Palmar grasp
stroking palm -> baby makes fist
- appears: birth
- disappears: 4-5 months
asymmetric tonic neck
baby’s head turns to one side -> opposite arm stretched up, same side arm stretched out to side
- appears: birth
- disappears: 6-7 months
plantar grasp
stroke foot -> flexion of toes
- appears: birth
- disappears: 8 months
Sole of foot stroked laterally -> big toe bends back toward top of foot, and other toes fan out.
- appears: birth
- disappears: 24 months
Head control
Gross motor
4 month
Gross motor
4-6 months
creeps or crawls
Gross motor
Start at 6 months, good at 9 months
sits without supports
Gross motor
6 months
Stands alone
Gross motor
12 months
Walks forward
Gross motor
12-15 months
Walks backwards
Gross motor
15-18 months
Walks up steps with help
Gross motor
18-24 months
Walks up and down alone
Gross motor
24-36 months
Brings hands to midline
Fine motor
0-2 months
Grasp and shake rattle
Fine motor
4 months
Reaches for object
Fine motor
6 months
Hand to hand transfer
Fine motor
6 months
Raking grasp
Fine motor
6 months
Finger feeding
Fine motor
9 Months
Pincer grasp- inferior
Fine motor
9 months
Pincer grasp- fine
Fine motor
12 months
Stacks 2 blocks
Fine motor
15 months
Stacks 5-6 blocks
Fine motor
24 months
Eats with utensils
Fine motos
36 months
Tying shoes
Fine motor
6 years
Responds to sounds
0-3 months
smiles and coos
2 months
4 months
6 months
dada and mama
9 months
waves bye bye
12 months
2 words
12 months
knows and points to body parts
18 months
2 word phrases
24 months
30-50 word vocabulary
24 months