module 12 prenatal care Flashcards
Barriers to care
physically accessible financially accessible culturally accessible temporally accessible practically accessible
nageles rule
LNMP - 3 months + 7 days
prenatal visit schedule
before 28 weeks: monthly
28-36 weeks: every 2 weeks
36 weeks - birth: weekly
initial prenatal visit labs
BHCG US Blood type, Rh Rubella titer CBC (Hgb/Hct) UA Pap if indicated RPR, VDRL HepBsAG HIV antibody screen CF screen Varicella titer TB GC/chlamydia
done at prenatal visit
BP Wt FHT UA fundal height GBS screen vaccines
prenatal vaccines: during preg
Tdap: between 27-36 weeks
vaccines contraindicated during preg
Live flu
genetic testing in the 1st trimester
US for size and dates (8-12wks)
Non-invasive prenatal testing (10 wks)
Nuchal translucency US (11-13 wks)
CVS (11-13 wks)
Genetic testing in the 2nd trimester
Quad screen (15-18wks)
Amnio (15-19 wks)
Anatomy scan US (18-20 wks)
gestational DM screening
OGTT 24-26wks
- 50g check serum 60 minutes later
- > 130 mg/dl need to have 100g OGTT
Nutrition during preg
1800-2400kcal/day protein intake of 60-75g/day folic acid Vit B12 Iron Calcium Vit D
Wt gain during pregnancy by BMI
< 18.5: 28-40lb total (1lb/week 2/3 trimester)
18.5-24.9: 25-35 total 1lb/week 2/3 trimester)
25-29.9: 15-25 total 0.5lb/week 2/3trimester)
>30: 11-20 total (0.5lb per week 2/3trimester)
postpartum visit
4-6 weeks PP physical emotional contraception breastfeeding infant
physically accessible
located on bus routes
no parking fees
financially accessible
acceptance of a variety of payment options
low out-of-pocket costs
culturally accessible
immigration status blind
multiple languages spoken
temporally accessible
evening appointments
reasonable wait times
initial appointments soon after first contact
practically accessible
safe play areas for children
centering pregnancy
10, 2-hour group sessions with the same cohort
Self monitoring
- BP
- wt
- fundal ht
Participation in group discussion and edu
total number of pregnancies
total number of pregnancies progressed beyond 20 weeks
T: number of term deliveries (>37)
P: number of preterm (<37)
A: abortion (elective or spontaneous) before 20 weeks
L: living children
poor wt gain and preg
associated with fetal undernutrition
-> affects survival and poor health outcomes later in life
Evaluate for food security
excessive wt gain and preg
associated with
- miscarriage
- preeclampsia
- perinatal depression
- LGA babies
- further excess wt gain
- risk of preterm birth
- still birth
- birth inj
- neural tube defects
- postpartum hemorrhage
- delayed lactogenesis
- need for induction and operative birth
overwt women 1st visit
1 hour OGTT and repeat at 24-28wks
UA at every visit
- glucose and protein