Module 15 early childhood development Flashcards
gross motor skills
involve the use of large muscles
fine moter skills
hand and finger development
oral motor development
Speech at age 2, 3, and 4
2: speech sounds 50% intelligible to a stranger
3: 75% of sounds intelligible to stranger
4: speech completely intelligible with exception of some consonants
Speech stuttering
3 and 4 year olds
- normal hesitance in speech or stuttering
- may occur as child is developing the language skills
Considered abnormal if:
- cause stress to child
- last longer than 6 months
- occur in children >5
- involve a syllable instead of word repetition
- knowledge of the meaning and pronunciation of words
- word structure in sentences or phrases
understanding that words have specific meaning and the child’s use of words conveys specific meaning
- ongoing process extending into adulthood.
Blood pressure
children 3 and older
at risk children
visual acuity
starting at age 3
modified checklist for autism in Toddlers
- screening for autism risk
- 20 questions
- 16-30 months
toilet training readiness physical skills
voluntary sphincter control
stays dry for 2 hours, may wake from naps still dry
able to sit, walk, and squat
assists in dressing self
toilet training readiness cognitive skills
recognizes urge to urinate or defecate understands meaning of toileting words understands what toilet is for understands the connection between dry pants and toilet able to follow dierects able to communicate needs
Toilet training readiness interpersonal skills
desire to please parents
curiosity about the toilet
desire to be dry and clean
toilet training parent skills
desire to assist child with training
recognizes child’s cues of readiness
no compelling factor that will interfere
- new job, move, newborn…
Red flags of development for 12 months
- Psych/emotional: no big smiles or joyful expression
- Gross motor, language, hearing: no babbling, no name recognition
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: no point or using sounds to get desired object, may just cry
Red flags of development for 15 months
- Growth, sleep, temperament: no nighttime ritual, difficulty with transitions, parents concerned with temperament or control issues
- Psych/emotional: attachment to caregiver
- Cognitive: lack of object permanence
- Gross motor, lang, hearing: no words, only single words at 16 months, lack of consonant production, omission of initial consonants, no word imitation, no gesturing or pointing
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: no self-feeding
- Strength and coordination: No attempts at walking
Red flags of development for 18 months
- Growth, sleep, temperament: poor sleep schedule, problems with control and behavior
- Psych/emotional: does not pull person to show something
- Cognitive: primary play: mouthing of toys, no finger exploration of objects, lack of imitation, not using toys as intended
- Gross motor, lang, hearing: unable to follow simple commands, excessive, indiscriminate, irrelevant verbalizing
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: no scribbling, unable to use spoon
- Strength and coordination: not walking or falls frequently
Red flags of development for 24 months
- Growth, sleep, temperament: falling of growth curve, poor sleep schedule, awake at night, unable to put self back to sleep
- Psych/emotional: absent symbolic play, no parallel play, destructive behaviors, clings to parent
- Cognitive: no pretend play
- Gross motor, lang, hearing: no meaningful 2 word phrases, use of non-communicative speech, unable to identify 5 pictures, unable to name body parts, no jargon, > 10 otitis media
- fine motor, feeding, self-care: unable to stack 4-5 blocks, eating pureed foods, unable to imitate scribbles, unable to dump pellet from bottle
- strength and coordination: unable to jump in place, unable to kick ball
Red flags of development 3 years
- Growth, sleep, temperament: problems with toilet training, unable to calm self
- psych/emotional: unable to dress self, does not understanding taking turns, no expanded pretend play
- Cognitive: cannot name colors, does not understand same and different, unable to recognize objects, unable to recall parts of a story
- Gross motor, language, hearing: unable to give full name, unable to match 2 colors, no use of plurals, no use of 2-3 propositions, unable to tell a story, unclear consonants, unintelligible speech, unable to speak in sentences.
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: unable to build 10 block tower, holds crayon with fist, unable to draw circle
- Strength and coordination: unable to balance on one foot for 1 sec, toeing-in causes tripping
Red flags of development 4 years
- Growth, sleep, temperament: lack of bedtime ritual, withdrawn or acting out, stool holding, problems with toilet training
- Psych/emotional: unable to play games/follow rules, cruelty to animals or friends, starts fires, persistent fears or severe shyness, inability to separate from parents
- Cognitive: unable to count 3 objects, unable to recall 4 numbers, unable to identify what to do with danger, consistently poor judgement
- Gross motor, lang, hearing: difficulty understanding language, problems understanding preposition, limited vocabulary, unclear speech
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: lack of self-care skills (dressing feeding), unable to button clothes, unable to copy square
- strength and coordination: unable to balance on one foot for 4 sec, unable to alternate steps with stairs
Red flags of development 5 years
- Growth, sleep, temperament: sleep problems, night terrors, hair pulling
- Psych/emotional: difficulty making and keeping friends, no friends, difficulty understanding sharing, school roles, organization of daily activities, cruelty to animals/friends, fire starting, bullying, fighting, withdrawal, sadness, extreme rituals
- Cognitive: unable to count to 10, unable to identify colors, unable to follow 3-step commands
- Gross motor, lang, hearing: speech pattern not 100% understandable, cannot identify coins, abnormal rate or rhythm of speech
- Fine motor, feeding, self-care: unable to copy triangle, unable to draw a person with body
- Strength and coordination: difficulty hopping or jumping