Module 10 Pt 2: Heart/Cardiovascular system Flashcards
Name the route the blood takes from the right side of the heart to the lungs, back to the left side of the heart
Pulmonary Circuit
_______ circuit picks up oxygen from the lungs & drops off carbon dioxide from the blood
Name the route the blood takes from the left side of the heart to the tissues of the body back to the right side of the heart
Systemic Circuit
_____ circuit delivers oxygen to tissues & picks up carbon dioxide
Heart has a double-layered covering called
Parietal pericardium
Outer layer
Visceral pericardium
Inner layer
Pericardial Cavity
space between parietal and visceral layers
Name the 3 layers of the heart’s wall
Epicardium consists of
epithelium & areolar tissue
Myocardium consists of
cardiac muscle; thickest layer & performance layer
epithelium & areolar tissue; lines heart chambers
The heart is composed of four chambers & four valves. The two upper chambers are called
The right ____ receives _______ blood from the body & delivers it to the right ______below.
atrium; deoxygenated; ventricle
The left _____receives ______ blood from the lungs & delivers it to the left ______ below.
atrium; oxygenated; ventricle
Attached extensions in the atrium that increase capacity of the atria
Right & Left atria are separated from each other by a wall of tissue called
interatrial septum
Two lower chambers of heart chamber are called
The right ______ receives _______ blood from the right ______ and delivers it toward the lungs.
Ventricle; Deoxygenated; Atrium
The left _____ receives _______ blood from the left ______ and delivers it to the body.
Ventricle; Oxygenated; Atrium
The right & left ventricles are separated by a wall of tissue called
interventricular septum
_____ ensures blood can’t flow backward
Name the two Atrioventricular Valves located between the atria and ventricles. Specify location.
Tricuspid Valve in the Right side of heart
Bicuspid Valve in the Left side of heart
Name the two valves located between the ventricles & their respective exiting blood vessels
Semilunar Valve
Name the Semilunar valve located between the right ventricle & the pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary Valve
Name the Semilunar valve located between the left ventricle & the aorta
Aortic valve
Large vein that brings deoxygenated blood that has delivered oxygen & picked up carbon dioxide from the head, neck, arm, chest regions back to the right atrium
Superior Vena Cava
Large vein that brings deoxygenated blood that had delivered oxygen & picked up carbon dioxide from the lower regions of the body back to the right atrium
Inferior Vena Cava
Large artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle toward the lungs
Pulmonary Trunk
The pulmonary trunk splits into
left & right pulmonary artery
After carbon dioxide is dropped off & new oxygen is picked up at the lungs, it returns to the _____ _____ via the left or right _______ _____.
left atrium; pulmonary veins
Name the large artery that carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle out to be delivered to the tissues
Cells of the cardiac muscle are called
Cardiocytes structure & fxn
striated and involuntary;
use myosin & actin to contract
rely in aerobic respiration for ATP production
Cardiocytes are connected to each other by
Intercalated discs
intercalated disc fxn
allow myocardium of atria & ventricles to contract at the same time
Cardiac conduction system Fxn
- provides electrical stimulation for contraction
- composed of specialized cardiocytes that generate electrical signals
- Autorhythmic
Cardiac conduction system structures (S.A.A.B.P)
SA Node AV Node AV Bundle Bundle branches Purkinje Fibers
Sino Atrial Node: Structure, Fxn, Location
specialized cardiocytes; aka pacemaker
initiates action potential resulting in heart beats
in upper right corner of right atria
What is known as the pacemaker of the heart?
SA Node
Due to _____ _____ the SA Node signal travels rapidly through the entire myocardium of the atria
Intercalated discs
Atrial Ventricular Node: Location & Fxn
- in left lower portion of right atrium
- contains autorhythmic cells but responds to signals and pace of the SA Node
When the ___ ____ is stimulated it signals the ____ ____, which sends a second signal toward the ventricles
SA Node; AV Node
AV Bundle: Structure & Location
- nerve-like collection of cardiocytes,
- located off the AV Node & descends within the interventricular septum
Name the structure of 2 cardiocyte collections that branch off the AV Bundle to right and left; which carry the signal through to the rest of the interventricular septum and then to the apex of the heart
Bundle Branches
Name the small, nerve-like branches of the Bundle Branches that extend up through the walls of the ventricles
Purkinje Fibers
Purkinje Fibers Fxn
distribute delayed AV Node signal to the ventricular myocardium
contraction phase of a heart chamber
relaxation phase of the heart chamber
Name the 3 EKG fluctuations in electrical activity
P wave
QRS Complex
T Wave
P wave
produced when SA Node sends signal to atria, causing depolarization resulting in atrial contraction (systole)
P Wave is produced during
Atrial contraction (systole)
Signal from AV Node spread through ventricles causing depolarization resulting in contraction (systole) at the same time the atria is repolarizing & relaxing (diastole) is referred to as
QRS Complex
T Wave
generated by repolarization & relaxation of ventricles (diastole)