Micro Chapter 8 Flashcards
In most colleges, microbiology laboratories practice A) Standard Microbiological Practices B) Biosafety Level 2 Practices C) Biosafety Level 3 Practices D) Biosafety Level 4 Practices
Laboratory workers handling dangerous or exotic agents with a high risk of life-threatening disease practice A) Standard Microbiological Practices B) Biosafety Level 2 Practices C) Biosafety Level 3 Practices D) Biosafety Level 4 Practices
The process by which all living cells, spores, and acellular entities are either destroyed or removed from an object or habitat is called A) Antisepsis B) Disinfection C) Sanitation D) Sterilization
A process that kills, inhibits, or removes pathogenic microorganisms is called A) Antisepsis B) Disinfection C) Sanitation D) Sterilization
A process that destroys or inhibits microbes on living tissues is called A) Antisepsis B) Disinfection C) Sanitation D) Sterilization
A process that reduces microbes to a level deemed safe by public health standards is called A) Antisepsis B) Disinfection C) Sanitation D) Sterilization
The time required for a control agent to kill 90% of the microorganisms or spores in a sample under specified conditions is called A) The contact time B) The D value C) The Z value D) None of the above
A microbe is considered to be dead if
A) The cell wall lyses
B) The cell is viable but not culturable
C) It does not grow and reproduce on a medium that would normally support growth
D) None of the above
Which of the following microbial control methods result in the most rapid decrease in microbial numbers? A) Antisepsis B) Sanitation C) Disinfection D) Sterilization
Which of the following factors influences the efficiency of an antimicrobial agent?
A) Contact time
B) Concentration of the antimicrobial agent
C) Composition of the microbial population
D) All of the above
Which of the following environmental factors makes microbial populations resistant to antimicrobial agents? A) Ability to form a biofilm B) Acidic conditions C) Presence of organic matter D) All of the above
Moist heat readily destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungi by
A) Inhibiting protein synthesis
B) Denaturing nucleic acids and proteins
C) Lysing cells
D) Damaging the cell wall
A common form of moist heat sterilization in the laboratory is A) Boiling water B) The hot plate C) The autoclave D) Ultraviolet light
The practice of heating food and beverages to temperatures below boiling in order to control microbial growth is called A) Tyndallization B) Autoclaving C) Antisepsis D) Pasteurization
A practice that physically removes microorganisms from a sample is called A) Filtration B) Pasteurization C) Dry heat sterilization D) Antisepsis
N-95 masks exclude
A) All microbes and particles larger than two micrometers
B) 95% of microbes and particles larger than 0.3 micrometers
C) 95% of microbes and particles larger than 5.0 micrometers
D) 50% of microbes and particles larger than two micrometers
A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in a biological safety cabinet removes
A) All particles larger than 2.0 micrometers
B) All particles larger than 0.3 micrometers
C) 99.97% of particles larger than 0.3 micrometers
D) None of the above
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is an effective microbial control agent because A) It oxidizes cellular constituents B) It damages DNA C) It damages the cell membrane D) All of the above
Sterilization of meats and foods often occurs with A) Ultraviolet (UV) radiation B) Ionizing radiation C) Dry heat sterilization D) Autoclaving
Phenolics act on microbes by A) Dissolving membrane lipids B) Denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes C) Oxidizing cellular constituents D) Precipitate cell proteins
The most widely used group of disinfectants and antiseptics are A) Phenols B) Alcohols C) Halogens D) Heavy metals
Halogens act on microbes by A) Dissolving membrane lipids B) Denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes C) Oxidizing cellular constituents D) Precipitate cell proteins
Quaternary ammonia compounds act against microbes by
A) Dissolving membrane lipids
B) Denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes
C) Oxidizing cellular constituents
D) Precipitate cell proteins
Which of the following is an example of a sterilizing gas that kills microbes? A) Ethylene oxide (EtO) B) Betapropiolactone (BPL) C) Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) D) All of the above
Which agency is responsible for regulating disinfectants? A) Environmental Protection Agency B) National Institutes of Health C) Food and Drug Administration D) World Health Organization
An example of an in-use test to evaluate antimicrobial effectiveness is A) The D value B) The Z value C) The phenol coefficient test D) The standard curve