Chapter 3 Keywords Flashcards
Cellular structure where protein synthesis occurs; the message encoded in mRNA is translated here.
A nutrient that is required in relatively large amounts (e.g., carbon and -nitrogen
Macro Elements
Diffusion across the plasma membrane that is aided by a channel protein or a carrier protein
Facilitated diffusion
A threadlike appendage on many cells that is responsible for their motility
The space between the plasma membrane and the outer membrane in typical Gram-negative bacteria, and between the plasma membrane and the call wall in typical Gram-positive-bacteria
periplasmic space
Process in which mol-ecules move from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration as a result of random thermal agitation
passive diffusion
The model of cell membranes in which the membrane is a lipid bilayer with integral proteins buried in the lipid and peripheral proteins more loosely attached to the membrane surface
Fluid mosaic model
Organic compounds that must be supplied in the diet for growth because they are essential cell components or precursors of such components and cannot be synthesized by the organism
growth factors
All material in the cell enclosed by the plasma membrane, with the exception of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells
Such as zinc, manganese, and copper that are required in very small quantities for growth and reproduction
micro nutrlents
Term describing a molecule that has both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
The bacterial plasma membrane PLUS all the structures outside of it
The pattern of microbial behavior in which the microorganism moves toward chemical attractants and away from repellents
The movement of ions or molecules across a cellular membrane from a lower to a higher concentration, requiring the consumption energy
active transport
A double-stranded DNA molecule that can exist and replicate independently of the chromosome
A layer of well-organized material, not easily washed off, lying outside the cell wall
A polymer found in the cell walls of prokaryotes that consists of polysaccharide and peptide chains in a strong molecular network
peptidology can
Granules. crystals, or globules of organic or inorganic material in the cytoplasm of cells
An irregularly shaped region in a bacterial or archaeal cell that contains its genetic material
The selectively permeable membrane surrounding the cell’s cytoplasm
plasma membrane