Micro Chapter 7 Flashcards
Sexual reproduction is a characteristic of which of the following domain? A) Archaea only B) Bacteria only C) Eukarya only D) All of the above
Which of the following reproductive methods is common to the bacteria? A) Binary fission B) Budding C) Formation of uninucleoid spores D) All of the above
Replication of the bacterial chromosome is A) Unidirectional B) Bidirectional C) Random D) None of the above
In bacterial reproduction, chromosomal partitioning of daughter cells is best described by
A) Pushing of chromosomes to opposite sides by RNA polymerase
B) Condensation of daughter chromosomes pulls the DNA to opposite sides
C) A cytoskeletal protein MreB moves the DNA to opposite poles
D) All of the above
The most critical step in cytokinesis is
A) Assembly of the Z ring
B) Assembly of the cell wall-synthesizing machinery
C) Constriction of the cell and septum formation
D) Selection of the site where the septum will be formed
Peptidoglycan synthesis starts in the A) Cytoplasm B) Cell membrane C) Cell wall D) Periplasmic space
Autolysins are involved in
A) Linking strands of peptidoglycan together
B) Linking peptidoglycan to the plasma membrane
C) Degrading the glycosidic bonds between peptidoglycan molecules
D) None of the above
The new cell wall in reproducing rods forms
A) Only at the septum
B) Homogenously around the forming cell
C) Bends along the sides of the cell but not at the poles
D) None of the above
Organisms incubated in a closed culture vessel with a set volume of media is known as a(n) A) Open culture B) Batch culture C) Closed culture D) Exponential culture
Cells begin synthesizing new components during the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ phase. A) Lag B) Exponential C) Stationary D) Death
During the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ phase, microorganisms grow and divide at their maximum rate. A) Log B) Exponential C) Lag D) Death
Balanced growth in which all cellular constituents are manufactured at a constant rate, occurs during the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ phase. A) Lag B) Exponential C) Stationary D) Death
A balance between cell division and cell death occurs in the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ phase. A) Lag B) Exponential C) Stationary D) Death
Why do microbial populations enter the stationary phase? A) Nutrient limitation B) Accumulation of toxic waste products C) Limited oxygen availability D) All of the above
Proteins that make the cell more resistant to damage by starvation are called A) Starvation proteins B) Heat-shock proteins C) Survival proteins D) Endospores
The number of viable cells decreases exponentially in the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ phase. A) Lag B) Exponential C) Stationary D) Death
In death phase,
A) The number of living cells declines exponentially
B) Cells become viable but non-culturable (VBNC)
C) Undergo programmed cell death
D) All of the above
The number of generations per unit time is defined as A) The mean growth rate B) The mean generation time C) The mean doubling time D) Exponential growth
Which of the following variables is important to calculating the microbial mean growth rate? A) Initial population number B) The population number at time, t C) The number of generations in time t D) All of the above
Which of the following methods would be best for counting the number of protists in a water sample?
A) The Petroff-Hausser counting chamber
B) The Coulter counter
C) Membrane filtration
D) Determination of microbial dry weight
The best method for counting living bacterial and archaeal cells is A) The Petroff-Hausser counting chamber B) The hemocytometer C) The Coulter counter D) Membrane filtration
Which of the following is not an example of a viable counting method? A) Streak plate B) Pour plate C) Hemocytometer D) Membrane filtration
The most rapid and accurate method for measuring cell mass is
A) Measuring microbial dry weight
B) Spectrophotometry
C) Measuring the concentration of another cellular substance
D) None of the above
A more turbid broth culture of bacterial cells will result in
A) A high absorbance reading with the spectrophotometer
B) A low absorbance reading with the spectrophotometer
C) No reading on the spectrophotometer
D) None of the above
Bacterial cells growing in a chemostat will grow more with which of the following changes?
A) Decreasing the dilution rate
B) Increasing the dilution rate
C) Increasing the volume of the container
D) Decreasing the flow rate
Turbidostats work by A) Maintaining constant nutrient concentrations B) Increasing the flow rate C) Maintaining a desired cell density D) All of the above
If a bacterial cell is placed into a hypertonic solution, then
A) Water will move into the cell and the cell will shrink
B) Water will move into the cell and the cell will expand
C) Water will move out of the cell and the cell will shrink
D) Water will move out of the cell and cell will lyse
Microbial cells respond to osmotic stresses by
A) Opening and closing mechanosensitive (MS) channels
B) Storing compatible solutions inside the cell
C) Using a contractile vacuole to expel excess water
D) All of the above
Organisms that do not require oxygen for growth but grow better in its presence are called A) Obligate aerobes B) Facultative anaerobe C) Aerotolerant anaerobe D) Obligate anaerobe
Organisms that grow optimally at temperatures at 55�C or higher are called A) Psychrophiles B) Psychrotrophs C) Mesophiles D) Thermophiles
Organisms that grow optimally within a pH range of 0 and 5.5 are called A) Acidophiles B) Neutrophiles C) Alkalophiles D) Hyperalkalophiles
Acidophiles survive in low pH environments by
A) Increasing their cell size
B) Pumping protons outside the cell if they get in
C) Making the plasma membrane permeable to water
D) None of the above
Microbes are vulnerable to high temperatures because
A) High temperatures disrupt the cell wall
B) High temperatures decrease the amount of oxygen available to the cell
C) High temperatures inactivate enzymes responsible for metabolism
D) None of the above
Thermophiles have which of the following adaptations for survival at high temperatures?
A) They have heat-stable enzymes and proteins
B) They have lipids that span the membrane to form a rigid monolayer
C) They have more saturated membrane lipids
D) All of the above
Photosynthetic protists are most likely A) Obligate aerobes B) Facultative anaerobes C) Obligate anaerobes D) Aerotolerant anaerobes
Which of the following enzymes protect microbes against toxic oxygen (O2) products? A) Catalase B) Permease C) Hydrolase D) All of the above
Microbes can be grown in anaerobic conditions by
A) Removing oxygen chemically with a palladium catalyst
B) Remove air from the growth chamber with a vacuum
C) Add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the growth chamber to drive out oxygen
D) All of the above
Organisms that grow in the deepest trench of the Pacific Ocean are classified as A) Barotolerant B) Piezophilic C) Barophobic D) None of the above
Which of the following forms of radiation is most harmful to microbes? A) Visible light B) Infrared rays C) Ionizing radiation D) Radio waves
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can kill microorganisms because it
A) Damages the cell wall by creating pores
B) Damages DNA by forming thymine dimers
C) Damages the plasma membrane by disrupting hydrophobic interactions
D) All of the above
Visible light is damaging to microbial cells because
A) It damages the cell wall
B) It damages DNA
C) It generates singlet oxygen and oxidizes cells
D) All of the above
The purpose of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix created by biofilms is to
A) Stick more stably to a surface
B) Enhance diffusion of oxygen and nutrients
C) Preconditioning a surface for other cells
D) Communicating with other cells
Which of the following is not true of bacterial biofilms?
A) Some microbes can use the waste products created by other microbes as metabolites
B) Microbes can uptake DNA from the EPS
C) Microbes are capable of communicating via chemical signals
D) Biofilms are extremely vulnerable to antibiotics
A density-dependent chemical communication between microbes is known as A) Autoinducing B) Quorum sensing C) Group translocation D) Phosphorelay systems
Vibrio fischeri populations inside warm-water squids bioluminesce when
A) When N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) reaches threshold levels
B) When autoinducer-2 (AI-2) reach critical levels
C) When oligopeptide chemical signals decrease
D) All of the above