Micro 5: Protozoa Flashcards
describe protozoa basic characteristics
- unicellular eukaryotes
- inhabit water and soil
- animal like nutrition
- complex life cycles
what is the feeding and growing form of protozoa
what is schizogony
multiple fission
asexual reproduction in protozoa includes
fission, budding, or schizogony
sexual reproduction in protozoa is by
some protozoa can produce a ____ to survive adverse conditions
what outer protective particle can protozoa have
may have an outer protective pellicle, requiring specialized structures to take in food
what specialized structures in protozoa would be needed if it had an outer protective pellicle
- ciliates wave cilia toward mouthlike cytosome
- amebae phagocytize food
how is food digested/ waste eliminated in protozoa
- food is digested in vacuoles
- wastes eliminated through an anal pore
list of medically important protozoa
- feeding grooves (diplomonads, parabasalids, euglenozoa)
- amebae
- apicomplexia
- ciliates
feeding grooves:
- no mitochondria, multiple flagella
- giardia intestinalis, giardiasis
feeding grooves:
- undulating membrane, no cyst stage
- trichonomas vaginalis, trichomoniasis
feeding grooves:
-photoautotrophs or facultative chemotrophs
transmitted by bites of blood-feeding insects
amebae move by
move by pseudopods
3 amebae and what diseases they cause
- entamoeba histolytica- causes amebic dysentery
- acanthamoeba- infects corneas and causes blindness
- balamuthia- granulomatous amebic encephalitis
features of apicomplexia
- nonmotile
- obligate intracellular parasites
- complex life cycles
list of 3 examples of apicomplexia and diseases they cause
- toxoplasma gondii- transmitted by cats, causes fetal infections
- cryptosporidium- transmitted by feces, causes waterborne illness
- plasmodium-causes malaria
plasmodium important facts
how do you get it
- causes malaria
- sexually reproduces in the Anopheles mosquito
- a mosquito injects a sporozoite into its bite, and the sporozoite undergoes schizogony in the liver, merozoites are produced
- merozoites infect red blood cells, forming a ring stage inside cell
- red blood cells rupture, and meroziotes infect new red blood cells